Thursday, February 8, 2018

Know What You Want

Know What You Want

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Knowing what we want in life is something that many of us are completely vague about, we know that we desire lots of things but most of us have never taken the trouble to actually sit down and figure out the detail. From the time we were little, we've been asked what we want to be when we grow up and while many young children don't have any idea of the answer, others are quite sure of what they want and their desires don't change as they grow older.

As adults, when we're asked what we want in life, the answers are often the same: to find the right man or woman, have a great job, children and lots of money. While some of these wants and desires are quite attainable, others may take more work and dedication. The best way to be successful in obtaining what you want in life is to actually know what you really want. Although dreams are important while growing up, it is equally important to make sure you still have dreams as an adult before you set out to get "what you really want". To know what you really want in life, you need to know the details involved in getting it and then being sure it's definitely what you want. There's a lot of truth behind the saying, "Be careful of what you want - you may get it".

So much of our life is planned for us from the time we're little. Our parents had dreams for us to do well in school, go to college and get an education, get a good job, get married, buy a home, have children and live happily ever after. While this sounds like the all American dream, is it really what you want? Does the thought of this life sound like something that will make you truly happy inside and out or does it bore you silly? Decide what you really want and learn what it will take to fulfill these desires. Here are some tips to help you know what you want, how it will affect you and what it entails to get it.

1. Remember your childhood dreams. Are they the same or have they changed? Ask yourself why you had that dream and if you still have the same desires. If you do, what will it take to obtain that dream? Check out all possibilities. If your dream was to be a doctor, research what it takes to become a doctor (financial, education, time and commitment) and what it will mean to your life when you become a doctor (time involved, commitment, lifestyle, etc.) Too many adults become full-time students as a career-not by choice- but because they never fully took the time to decide what they really wanted and what it would entail to get it.

If part of your childhood dream was to get married and have children, ask yourself if you still want this for your lifetime goal because it will make you happy or because it's expected of you. After all, isn't that what everyone wants as adults? It's what we've been taught, but not everyone is designed for marriage and parenthood. Decide what you want and what will make you happy.

2. Set goals for yourself. This applies to everyone. Whether you're enrolling in school, contemplating marriage, choosing a career or just planning your future, we all need goals to help us obtain what we want. Do not start off with too many goals or you'll lose interest if they're not all obtained in a certain amount of time. Start with small goals of what you really want. The most important question you need to ask yourself is "why" you want what you think you want.

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