Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The meaning ofTalismans

The meaning ofTalismans

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The word "Talisman," derived from the Greek verb "teleo," means, primarily, to accomplish, or bring into effect. The Talisman is an object marked with magic signs and is believed to confer on its bearer supernatural powers or protection. Virtually every religion in human history has offered as adherents small decorative objects which purpose is to do anything ranging between healing, protection or success.

Talismans and sacred geometry
Very often the talismans symbols are taken out of sacred geometry. The term "sacred geometry" is used by archaeologists, anthropologists, and geometricians to encompass the religious, philosophical and spiritual beliefs that have sprung up around. It is a term covering Pythagorean geometry and neo-Platonic geometry. Sacred geometry is often referred to as a language of G-d. Sacred geometry symbols are a means of bringing subtle, inner realities to a focus in outward expression. Within the fundamental unity of consciousness, certain symbols, such as the lotus lifting itself in purity above the muddy water, possess universal relevance and power.

Ancient Egyptian Talismans
Scarab beetle
The young scarab beetles emerged spontaneously from the burrow they were born in. Therefore they were worshipped as "Khepera", which means "the one who came forth". The scarab-beetle god Khepera was believed to push the setting sun along the sky in the same manner as the beetle with his ball of dung. In many artifacts, the scarab is depicted pushing the sun along its course in the sky.

The Ankh is a symbolic representation of both Physical and Eternal life. It is known as the original cross, which is a powerful symbol that was first created in Ancient Egypt. Ankh is typically associated with material things such as water, air, sun, as well as with the Gods, who are frequently pictured carrying an Ankh.

In Egyptian history, the heart replaced the heart which was removed during mummification. Sometimes assimilated to the Bennu, "Soul of R", it brings the protection of both Osiris and R.

Other Egyptian talismans

Buckle or Knot of Isis, Djed, Ba, Two Fingers and Udjat or Eye of Horus.

Christian Talismans
The cross
The cross of Christianity was a symbol of the faith. It was previously considered a pagan symbol, with several early church fathers objecting to its use. The cross represents Christ's victory over death and sin, since it is believed that through His death he conquered death itself.

The fish's first known use as a Christian religious symbol was sometime within the first three centuries AD. Christians began using the Greek word for "fish" as an acronym for "Jesus Christ God's Son, Savior". Followers of Christianity were called Pisciculi; the root of this Latin word is "fish".

Jewish and Kabbalah Talismans
Star of David
The name David in ancient Hebrew (during the time of King David) is made up of three letters "Dalet", "Vav" and "Dalet". The letter Dalet in ancient Hebrew is actually a triangle. King David used the six pointed star as his signature (the two triangles of his name). The middle letter "Vav" means six - The six pointed star. The six-points symbolize that God rules over the universe and protects us from all six directions: North, South, East, West, Up and Down. King David used this symbol in the battlefield on his shield as an omen from God.

The Hamsa is known as the hand of Miriam or Hamesh hand. The Hamsa serves as an ancient talismanic way of averting the evil eye and providing a "protecting hand" or "Hand of God". The Hamsa often appears in stylized form, as a hand with three fingers raised, and sometimes with two thumbs arranged symmetrically.

Five metals ring
According to the ancient kabalistic text, the secret of the five metals ring success is that at the specific time of the creation of the ring with these five metals, Jupiter's influence is summoned forth. Jupiter is the star of development and expansion, and success is at it's strongest at the specific time of the ring's creation. The layer on the top of the five metals ring is pure gold. Below it there is a layer of lead and tin, and the last layer is copper, while the ring itself is made out of silver.

Tree of life
The Tree of Life is one of the most familiar of the Sacred Geometry Symbols. The structure of the Tree of Life is connected to the sacred teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah. The Tree of Life is explained in Sefer Yetzira ("Book of Creation"). The book explains the creation as a process involving the 10 divine numbers (sefirot) of God the Creator and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The 10 sefirot together with the 22 letters constitute the "32 paths of secret wisdom".

Buddhist Talismans
Buddha images provide a reassuring reminder of the basic tenets of Buddhist religion. Just as Buddhist religion is practiced in many different ways, the Buddhist image also serves a wide variety of ritual purposes and has different meanings for different people. Buddha can be invested with a huge amount of information, meaning and implication; they evolve and they are given life. The Buddha image cast in the human form gives it a value presented as calm, still and serene.

The Tibetans create their beautiful Mandalas from colored sand and if you'll take a metal plate and cover it with sand and make it vibrate with different sounds, you will be able to see different structures that are formed in the sand, that are very similar to the sand Mandalas. In the end, after a few weeks when the Mandalas is finished, they simply wipe the sand off Mandalas to show the non-attachment to the illusion of the external, and also to show the constant change and the process of life and death that takes place in the external world of illusion.

Om (?) is the most sacred syllable in Hinduism, first coming to light in the Vedic Tradition. The syllable is sometimes referred to as the "Udgitha" or "pranava mantra". The symbol of Om contains three curves, one semicircle and a dot. The large lower curve symbolizes the waking state; the upper curve denotes deep sleep (or the unconscious) state, and the lower curve (which lies between deep sleep and the waking state) signifies the dream state.

Tibetan Knot
The Tibetan knot (Srivatsa or the endless knot) is one of the eight symbols of the Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan knot can stand for karmic consequences: pull here, something happens over there. It is an apt symbol for the Vajrayana methods: Often when we tug at one part of a knot while trying to loosen it, another part becomes tighter. You have to work with the knot to enable it to come undone. In its endless configuration, it evokes the cyclic nature of rebirth and also calls karmic connections to mind.

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The Many Disadvantages of Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment

The Many Disadvantages of Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment

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What are the disadvantages of reverse osmosis? They are many. Does reverse osmosis make water safe to drink? Not any more.

Lets get right to the disadvantages of reverse osmosis. We will go into greater detail about each one, but first here is the short list. The system de-mineralizes and wastes water. Electricity is required to pressurize the source water. It cannot remove chemicals and other contaminants that are lighter than water. It does not protect users from bacterial contamination. Finally, it costs more than other systems that do a better job.


One of the disadvantages of reverse osmosis from a health standpoint is that it de-mineralizes water. Trace minerals are important to human health. All naturally occurring water has some mineral content. Research has shown that drinking de-mineralized water on a regular basis caused digestive problems and nutritional deficiencies. So, does reverse osmosis make water safe to drink? It might be safer, but its not the best choice.


For every one gallon of water that is clean, anywhere from half a gallon to five gallons is wasted. Wasted water is one of the biggest disadvantages of reverse osmosis, from an environmental and financial standpoint. The most effective systems waste the most water. It is also a waste of electricity, because other systems work without pressurizing water and thus use no electricity. It is a waste of money, because it costs more initially. It costs more to maintain and it costs more to operate than other more efficient systems.

Chemicals Get Through

With all of the chemical pollutants in the environment, no one can doubt that they are in the water. So, when you ask, does reverse osmosis make water safe to drink, the answer has to be no. Chemical contamination is one of the biggest problems that we face. Over a thousand cancer causing chemicals have been found in tap water. From a health standpoint, this is one of the biggest disadvantages of reverse osmosis.

Bacteria Gets Through

There are several phases in the life of a bacterium. The earliest is similar to a microscopic egg. It is referred to as the oocyst, cyst or spore stage. Since, the cysts are lighter than water (they float through the air, until they find a host) reverse osmosis cannot block them. Cyst contamination is possible in any water source. The federal government says that detecting them in public drinking supplies is unfeasible. When people ingest them, they grow and cause illnesses ranging from a stomach ache to violent diarrhea. In children and those who are immune-compromised, they can cause death. If you have cyst contamination, the answer to does reverse osmosis make water safe to drink is a resounding NO.


If you are concerned about safety, price is largely unimportant. But when you consider that other more technologically advanced systems do a better job and cost less, you would be silly to spend the extra money. You can get a whole house water filter that blocks just about anything that you can think of for less than a thousand dollars. With all of the disadvantages of reverse osmosis, why would you pay over $10,000? Youll have to answer that question for yourself.

The Importance of Business Strategy Planning

The Importance of Business Strategy Planning

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Strategic planning in business is important from the perspective of the long term health of your enterprise. Figuring out where your business is going is fundamental to strategic planning and to your overall success, and taking the time out to pinpoint strategic objectives is a worthwhile practice for all small business owners. With time, theres no reason you cant be aiming to grow and increase your turnover. After all, all businesses were small once, and the opportunity to growth into a giant in your industry might be the goal arising from a strategic planning session. If thats the case, business strategy and strategic planning are essential to achieving your goal, and no business can possibly head forward over the long term without some form of strategic planning and decision making.

Strategic planning in business is a vital back end exercise, and one that demands your own thoughts and ideas. Unlike most other business areas, strategic planning cant be outsourced or passed on to other parties its something you, as a business owner, will need to concern yourself with, and your drive and passion is the main factor sitting behind any success you do ultimately achieve. Thus your personal investment in strategic planning is fundamental to growing and improving the way your business operates, and without some element of strategic planning on a personal level, your business would simply stumble into problem after problem, and more than likely tread water in financial terms. For any small business owner, the importance in business strategy planning is obvious and essential to long term success, thus it is a factor that should be considered on a frequent, if you weekly or daily basis.

Devoting time to strategic planning is something most business owners dont do, and they become so firmly wrapped up in the day to day running of their business that they become unable to see the forest for the trees. As such, business owners realized failure as a result of poor long term management, and without some form of strategic thinking at every stage of the business lifecycle, there is very little chance of continuing success. Thus while it might be hard to find the time to devote to the strategic planning side of the business, it is important that this vital business element is not neglected in favor of more short term tasks, and that business owners have regard to their success and direction in the future at a strategic level rather than leaving things to chance.

Strategic planning is a fundamental business process, and one that all business owners must go through at some stage of their business lifespan. From day one onwards, business strategic planning is crucial to your businesss growth and success, and without an eye to the long term, it would be impossible to increase the size and stature of your business. While strategic planning time doesnt result in a direct return to your business, it is time well spent, given the long term advantages that arise from having a solid strategic plan and planning your next moves in a business sense.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The History Behind Origami Paper Folding

The History Behind Origami Paper Folding

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These days, origami is everywhere.

Its the subject of childrens books like Sadako and The Thousand Paper Cranes. Its being displayed in museums as art. Its even being used as an educational tool to help students learn fractions and problem-solving skills!

But what is the history of origami? How has it evolved over the years?

Read on to find out!

Where And How Origami Started

Even the word Origami has an interesting history behind it. Its actually made from two Japanese words: Ori, which means fold, and kami, which means paper.

Its a word that defines itself!

The art of origami arrived fairly shortly after paper began to be more available worldwide. Around the 6th century, monks began to bring paper to Japan.

However, as paper was still rare (and therefore expensive!) origami was mainly used in religious ceremonies.

Origami was used in wedding ceremonies, where folded butterflies symbolized the bride and groom. It was also folded into good-luck symbols that were worn and given by the Samurai, in the hopes of staying safe in battle.

It even played a part in ancient Japanese legends. For example, many ancient folktales tell stories of folded birds that took flight, transforming into real birds.

Origami: The Next Steps

Of course, it didnt take long for a global interest in origami to develop.

In the late 1400s, origami began to spread to Europe. Here, the folding techniques and created objects were also put to use in daily life.

It was popular in Europe to fold small boxes to hold jewelry or other lightweight items, or even to deliver private messages and letters!

Interestingly, we may owe much of what we know today about origami to kindergarten. The so-called Kindergarten System was created at the start of the 19th Century to help young children learn life skills, and to ease them into an educational setting.

The founder of the Kindergarten System, the German-born Friedrich Frobel, saw that paper folding and binding could help young children to learn valuable coordination and motor skills.

The reality is that many of the earliest kindergarten curriculums were filled with lessons in origami!

More and more European countries began to adopt Frobels Kindergarten System, and origami spread rapidly. In fact, the tiny packs of brightly-colored origami paper that we all first learned to fold on are a direct result of the Kindergarten Systems focus on origami.

Of course, as the idea of kindergarten spread so did origami.

Whats Next For Origami?

Today, there are classes, societies, and even YouTube videos all dedicated to sharing the art of origami with as many people as possible.

Origami never stops evolving, and new techniques are being invented all the time. An especially popular one is called wet-folding. Folders will lightly dip their paper into water and fold it. This helps the paper to hold its shape for even longer.

What will they think of next? Only time will tell.

To learn complex folding techniques, to get ideas from the experts, or just to be inspired by the intricate art form of origami, always keep your eye out for industry websites, museum exhibits, and video tutorial channels.

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The Emotional Goals Guide

The Emotional Goals Guide

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Some men dream of worthy accomplishments.
Others stay awake and just do them.

This book was written to help you to understand and move towards your life goals.
Goals begin to develop from early childhood, and can become a positive, motivating, healthy focus of our lives.

Children like to dream about being superman, having incredible powers, being a princess or a star athlete with all of the applause and trophies. Some children dream of having their own little island or being invisible and able to explore without boundaries.
Although they may not know it, these first goals are emotionally-driven and they involve the search for involvement, respect, security and freedom.

These SMART terms; security, respect, involvement, freedom and excitement are really our most dynamic emotional goals. One or more of them will propel us forwards during the course of our lives.

Our emotional goals are often put aside as we mature and begin the search for jobs, relationships and financial security. When we disregard our emotional goals we are often unfulfilled in our careers, off-track in our educations and unhappy in our relationships.

Use this book as a guide to help you find and then follow your emotional goals


1. Introduction by the author
2. The New Meaning of Goals
3. Goal Achievement Ingredients
4. Common Obstacles to Reaching Goals
5. The Truth About Goals
6. Case Histories
7. How to Achieve your Emotional Goals
8. Positive Strategies for Achieving Emotional Goals

Chapter 1

As a therapist for more than 30 years my professional goal has always been to help clients move towards getting what they want out of life.

In this fast-moving world loosing sight of your goals can be a tragedy

Making a commitment to find out what your goals are and to pursue them is a personal choice. It often takes time, energy and help along the way. In my research and in my day to day practice I have found that the foundation for all of this important work is to know your history and to understand yourself.

We all have had challenges and obstacles in our lives. This is not news.

What is news is that we can change things as adults, define who we really are and what matters to us and then go for the gold.

There is a brief tutorial at the end of this book that may help you to get into the mind set that you need to open your mental strong box and use all of the mental tools inside in the pursuit of your emotional goals.

Chapter 2
Smart Goals

We live in an intense, fast-paced society and we are under a great deal of pressure. Daily life is complex and demanding. Most of us are aware that we have to balance present realities with some firm planning for the future.
And the future seems to be closing in on us.

We are bombarded by ads that warn us about not saving for retirement; we are warned about not preparing for calamities of all sorts.
Some of us are under such pressure that we either work 24/7 to just take care of today and we throw up our hands at the concept of planning for next week, next month, next year.
These are trying times.
Life is certainly less simple and less predictable than it used to be. People move around a lot more, change jobs, change partners and change belief systems.
How can you even make a plan for the future in times like these?
Making plans, thinking about a step-by-step process leading to an outcome is the healthiest thing that we can do. Instead of becoming part of the rush towards tomorrow, instead of becoming overwhelmed, we can find ways to step back and think about which way to go. Instead of worrying endlessly about 10 years from now we can think about how to get there. Instead of agonizing about what we did yesterday we can move forward with purpose and commitment.

What do we want to move towards?
We want to move towards a mind-body state that resonates with purpose, meaning and joy.
This mind/body state is achieved when we are on the path to achieving our emotional goals
Life without emotional goals is a dark, confusing journey. When we arent moving towards our true emotional goals we may experience boredom, dissatisfaction, frustration and sadness.

There are three major domains in which smart emotional goals play a vital function;
the career domain; the job at which you spend much of your waking hours
the relationship domain; specifically our relationships with family, friends and close colleagues
the self-growth domain that includes your mental and physical functioning and all of the things you do to enhance your mind, your body, your spirit.

Within these manor domains we are finding a great deal of dissatisfaction, frustration, anxiety and depression.

Workplace stress in terms of job burnout is experienced by 40 percent of U.S. workers. People are not meeting their career goals and are unhappy and anxious. Depression is the leading occupational disease of the 21st century and accounts for most lost productivity.

In the relationship domain, we find divorces on the increase and instability in relationships causing much grief. People are self-described as unhappy, anxious and frustrated more than ever.

The self-growth realm demonstrates similar patterns. People are struggling to set goals and wind up with broken resolutions and disappointed feelings. Adults leave their churches, decide not to vote, and refuse to watch their diets and to feed their minds. Youngsters have little faith in the religions; academic institutions and the drop out rates in high school and college are high.

The excessive rates for burn-out and drop-out can be linked to a basic lack of understanding about goals.

Emotional goals are both the end result in terms of what we want to achieve and they motivate us in the achieving process.
Goals may be clear and obvious to our conscious minds or hidden in our psyches
We are going to see how emotional goals can become healthy or unhealthy over time. The goals that most people pursue in their lives tend to be in the unhealthy realm although they started their existence as positive emotional goals.
Transforming unhealthy emotional goals into healthy emotional goals is the purpose of this book.
Empowering you to understand and to appreciate your own positive emotional goals will transform your life and you will no longer be constantly searching for the meaning and happiness in your life.
Here is a brief case to illustrate what we mean.

Mary is 34 years old and single. Her goal is to be thin and fit into her sisters size 4 clothes. This has been the driving force in her personal life for a long time. Mary diets, goes to the gym after work and sometimes before work, she researches eating plans and surgical techniques and she talks about her goal a lot. She doesnt have much time for anything else and focuses exclusively upon her goal. Marys life is organized around dieting, checking her weight, running treadmill and criticizing her shape in mirrors.
Mary is often disappointed and unhappy.
She was not always this way. During early childhood Mary liked to play with dolls and other kids. She usually chose the role of teacher and loved to read to her dolls and show other kids how to paint and draw. In her early teen fantasies, Mary saw herself as a Princess Dianna type person. She liked the way that Dianna touched other peoples lives with her gentle wisdom.

Marys current goal appears to be dramatically different from the activities and thoughts that made her so happy as a youngster. Her current goal has, however, become a driving force, a motivational force and it dominates her life. Mary is frustrated but committed to the goal of a size 4 body and our society seems to support her in the quest for this objective. Her childhood and teenage emotional goals have been lost in the pursuit of thinness.

Living life by chasing unhealthy goals is something that we dont want to do. In order to change this pattern we need to look at ourselves and the issue of goals from a number of different perspectives. The knowledge we gain will be the foundation for achieving goals in all three domains of our lives.

Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will, never grow Ronald E Osborn

Chapter 3

Goal Achievement Ingredients

In order to achieve a goal certain things usually need to be available. There are many publications out there with lists of things that you will need to accomplish your goals such as a plan, a certain amount of time, a method of tracking your progress and the desire to fulfill the goal. The ingredients that you usually find are based upon the kids of goals that Mary set for herself in the prior chapter.
Here are more basic ingredients that can lead to goal-achievement:
an understanding of what the emotional goal is and how it plays into all aspects of your life
an understanding of what the critical domains of what your life are
the ability to learn new things
resilient, flexible ideas for how to overcome obstacles
strategies and resources for maintaining your emotional equilibrium
a certain amount of pure luck

Goal achievement, when we are speaking about emotional goals, is a process. During the process of moving towards your emotional goals you will find that you feel better about yourself and your situation.
When we look back at Mary, we can see how her progress towards the goal of being a size 4 would be racked with pain.
Here is another real-life example;

Don is a 35 year old doctor. He practices psychiatry and is double-board certified. Don is married with two young children and he is always on call for his patients when there is an emergency. Dons parents are thrilled with his career. His mother is a retired business executive who always dreamed of building some kind of a business for Don. She manages his private practice, does the billing, interfaces with insurance companies and is pleased with the growth-potential of her sons practice.
Dons career success doesnt really seem to make him happy. He feels tired, bored and has developed some bad habits. When a problem with a patient arises, Dan sometimes feels unsympathetic to the patients pain and he finds that he is easily distracted in listening to their problems. Don can barely remember his childhood passion of following his Dad around and re-finishing furniture. This hands-on work with someone he loved made his heart soar with pleasure. Now he feels stuck and unmotivated to build his practice. He is hoping that something will come into his life to re-charge and energize him.

Why do so many people fail?

When you consider the goals that are mentioned above, you may note that they sound like tasks to be accomplished.
Tasks fit quite neatly into the task-achievement paradigm that many people, including goal gurus talk about helping you to achieve. They require the kind of preparation and monitoring that business-type tasks call for. In fact, a great many goal-based writings are geared towards improving businesses at the bottom line in terms of increased efficiency, increased productivity, etc.

There is another way to look at Smart or Emotional goals. They embody the passion, the drive, the pleasure that makes even the pathway towards them as rewarding as you can imagine.

Your Emotional Goals develop from early childhood; they have a history and continuity.
Your Emotional Goals may begin to be tested during adolescence; they can be quickly railroaded during this turbulent time.
Your Emotional Goals may well be submerged under layers of task-like goals when you reach adulthood.

Emotional goals never disappear although they may be discarded, ignored, bumped to the end of the line for a period of time.
We describe what these are later on in detail, but for now we must know that these goals; security, involvement, freedom, excitement and respect are a necessary part of our existence. They each have a long history in our lives and they have deep meaning for us.
Emotional goals may seem to be as elusive as smoke. They do exist and can be brought to full awareness when we recognize how vital they are to our lives.
The following cases illustrate how important it is to know and plan for our emotional goals.

Mary is 15 and she is pushing hard for success in school and athletic endeavors. Her parents are proud of her, her friends cheer her on and she often feels overwhelmed.
In her room, late at night, Mary journals in her diary. As she writes she cries and gets angry. No one knows how unhappy she is because she puts up a good front. Mary doesnt know why she is miserable and writing about just quitting everything and taking off for some other place.
Mary dreams about being free of pressure and doing things that she loved to do as a child. She used to climb hills and search for rare birds, and discover fascinating things about nature. Now she feels trapped into cheerleading and keeping her grade average up at the top of her class. Her plans seem to be set in motion for her.

Andy was a 14 year old who loved to play video games. In fact, he was on the computer for many hours playing with other youngsters around the world. Andys grades were average, he played soccer on weekends and he was your normal teenage kid. Andy was OK at everything with no real passions that anybody knew about. No one asked about his dreams. His parents were just relieved that he didnt get into trouble and they werent happy with their own careers anyway. A job was just a paycheck. It was not supposed to be thrilling.
If you had asked him, at age 14, what his life goals are, he would have said
I dont know. Im not old enough to have goals. I only know I like video games.
Andy is now 25 and he works two part-time jobs. His girlfriend wants to get married and Andy is thinking that this is the best thing to do since all of his other friends are getting married.
Andy and his buddies still play video games, often into the wee hours of the morning. Their jobs dont demand a great deal of skill and they basically have to show up in order to earn 8 dollars an hour.
If you asked Andy if he is happy with his life he would say, Whats happy? No ones really happy in this world! Im just making it day to day.
Andy is not depressed or anxious. He doesnt have a drinking or a drug problem. He is healthy and young and with these gifts he could be enjoying his life and finding some meaning in it.
What the future is for this young adult is uncertain. If he is not happy now.what will be his answer to that question 10 years from now?

Anne is 25 and has been married for two years. She is working as a pre-school teacher and loves her job. Her husband is a detective with the police force in their town. Anne is close to her widowed mother and her two married sisters. Both of her sisters have children, one sister is 23 and the other is 27 years of age.
Annes mother is a stay-at-home Mom who lives off of her deceased husbands investments. She is very involved in her daughters life.
As Anne approaches the age of 26 she is hearing more and more comments from her mother and sisters about having children. Shes beginning to feel the pressure and to become dissatisfied with her own life. She questions herself about her love of developing teaching programs and she is wondering if this is selfish and abnormal. Anne has always liked to share her knowledge with others and she enjoys seeing the admiration on the faces of her students and fellow teachers when she opens the doors to learning in new, exciting ways. Her next career step would be to transfer into Administration. This would take more time and effort. She is thinking about getting pregnant and making everyone happy.

The people we have just spoken about are at risk in one vital way. They are heading into the future without a secure compass to direct them towards the emotional goals that are really meaningful to them.

Chapter 4

Common Obstacles to reaching goals

Before we discuss emotional goals in depth it is important to discuss some of the basic ways in which goals in the three main domains (career, relationships, self-growth) can be put at risk. We will focus upon two common occurrences; goal conflict and goal sacrifice.
In goal conflict we can see that the goals in the three domains are at cross purposes to each other. In goal sacrifice we can see that a major goal is pushed aside in order to accomplish a goal in another domain.

The problem with Goal Conflicts
Here are case examples that describe situations where the three key goal areas are in conflict.

Mr. Smith is an accountant and is married with children. He works for a large firm and also has a lot of private cases during tax season. Mr. Smith often works late into the night and on weekends because he believes that he should keep up a life style of affluence for his family. He chose accounting as a career because he could make a lot of money and gain importance in a small company.
Mr. Smiths wife has given up trying to engage him in activities with the children, Hes always busy! His son, Barry, has said, My Dad doesnt even come to my soccer games. He only cares about work! Mr. Smiths daughter Sue has said, Dad lives in his office and I think he doesnt like being a parent at all!
When you sit down and talk to Mr. Smith, you can see that he is tired, stressed and basically unhappy.
I have to pay the bills. He says. Theres no time for anything else, it seems.
Mr. Smith will tell you that as a youngster he was brought up in foster homes and really missed the love and comfort of a family. His mother and father are divorced and fought constantly during his childhood. He was often shipped out to a foster family and dreamed of one day having the security of his own family around him.
This is Mr. Smiths emotional goal and it is buried under the career goal which is to make lots of money. He wants the emotional security of a family and yet he is not fulfilling that goal. He has, instead, decided to focus upon career success. He is struggling with feelings of unhappiness.

Cathy J is a 23 year old woman, single and working as a receptionist. She has career, educational and personal goals that are working against each other.
Cathys personal goal has taken hold of her life. She wants to get married before she is 24 years of age because she has decided that by 24 she will be too old and unattractive.
Cathys educational goal was to be a veterinarian. She loves animals and was going to go into a special program in Utah to train for this career. She is, however, very immersed in on-line dating, singles events and other strategies for finding a marital partner. At work, Cathy tends to be preoccupied with her mission and her boss isnt delighted with her performance. She feels unimportant and useless most of the time.

Lena is a pretty 28 year old mother of twin girls. She is divorced and she has just started a job as the office manager in a large, prestigious legal firm. Her family pushed her to take this job so that she would make more money and be able to buy the kids more things. Lena left her old job as a legal secretary in order to take this promotion. She loved her old job, the friends she made there, the supportive atmosphere in the office the family-oriented environment of the work place. When one of her girls was sick, she was always able to take the time to leave the office and tend to her child. Lena had always craved having a job that wouldnt interfere with her home life. Now she is faced with some real conflicts. She cant leave work, she must stay late, she has many, many responsibilities that leave her with a headache at the end of the day.
In her current position, Lena is in charge. She thought that she should move up the ladder of success; take a job with more potential for promotion. She is very unhappy.

The problem with goal sacrifice

Many of us will try to sacrifice goals in one domain for the achievement of goals in another domain. For example, many individuals cut their education short in order to grab onto a career so that they can support themselves and their families. Other people wait to get married until they have a career and numerous people find that they choose a career based upon what others think that they should do There is a great deal of shuffling around in the goal department and we often cannot go back and make up for things that we have sacrificed earlier in our lives. We may resent this sacrifice for many years.

Marge is a good example of goal sacrifice. She studied to be an archeologist and loved learning about other cultures. Her goal was to teach history in a way that would be exciting for youngsters to learn. However, after having a child she had to earn a living. Marge, as a single parent, gave up her original goal for a career that promised a higher salary and a great deal of security. It was a sacrifice that she believed was necessary at the time. Now she realizes that she could have pursued her goal if she had known how important it would always be to her.

Ben is a 16 year old student. He has always gotten As in his grades and this makes his parents very happy. Bens father and mother are doctors and they emphasize good grades as the most important part of Bens teen years. Ben is on-course to enter college and is on track for a medical career. He is, however, extremely anxious and unhappy. Ben cannot bring himself to tell his parents that he yearns to be on the athletic team. He craves playing ball, or any kind of team sport and he imagines himself playing with the rest of the kids after school and weekends. Ben dreams about being an athletic coach and his rather solitary, sedentary life makes him feel weak and angry. Yet, he doesnt question his sacrifice for his parents happiness.

These two cases illustrate the importance of recognizing what your goals are in the three key domains. You cannot assume that things will work out when you leave a goal behind or have goals that conflict with each others. Pursuing goals takes thought and action.

For the rest of this guidebook we will focus upon emotional goals so that you recognize, understand, appreciate and know how to get to your own emotional goals.

A Brief Self-Awareness Test and Your first Goal exercise

In order to recognize and to work towards your emotional goals you have to have a degree of self-awareness. It is often helpful to test yourself about the things that you think you know about yourself.

List what you believe are your goals right now. You can list your career goals, your educational goals, personal goals or your emotional goals if you know what they are.


What were your teen goals?


What were your childhood goals?


Were there goals that your parents or others had for you?


Chapter 5

Emotional goals have a long history because they develop in early childhood. They are often hidden in our psyches, covered over by such short-term goals as loosing weight, passing an exam, getting that job, paying the bills etc.
We are not always aware that we have deep founded emotional goals and we may find ourselves searching for that something that will finally make us happy.
Healthy Emotional goals can best be described by the feelings we get when we achieve one of them.
These feelings are of fulfillment, well-being and satisfaction at the very core of our being. When we are close to or already have achieved an emotional goal, we are more motivated, more comfortable and more agreeable as individuals.
When we are in pursuit of unhealthy emotional goals, we tend to be irritable, dissatisfied and empty.

Two types of Emotional Goals: unhealthy and healthy

Unhealthy Emotional Goals are very common and trying to achieve them often leads to frustration and unhappiness.
Examples of unhealthy emotional goals are:

Attention. This is the constant pursuit of either positive or negative attention from others. Small children are known for their seeking feedback in many different forms. When this pursuit is for negative attention (yelling, punishing) it becomes very unhealthy. Adults may also seek to be the center of attention no matter where they are and this can be a very unhealthy mission
Instant gratification. This is the unending search for immediate rewards which can be in the form of praise, money, joy or excitement.
Perfection. This is the pursuit of unblemished performance or appearance. It may also be the setting of extremely high standards and expectations which can never be reached.

Cathy is an attractive 30ish mother of 3 young children. Her husband is in real estate and she is an executive secretary. Together they make a fine living but Cathy seems to be on edge most of the time.
At work Cathy is very detail-oriented and precise. She demands a great deal of efficiency from her staff and often is irritable when they fall short of her expectations. At home, Cathy runs her household in a systematic way. She has everyone on schedules, she has every birthday, holiday, anniversary logged into her computer and she has meal plans made out for the next year. Cathy gets frustrated when things are out of order and she is known to be a perfectionist.
When her 10 year old son comes in from playing soccer and leaves dirty foot prints on her clean floor, she becomes upset to the point of crying and her mood stays bad for hours at a time.
Cathy is also rigid about her weight and her diet. She gets depressed when she gains even one pound and she is inconsolable. She refuses to give herself or anyone else any leeway.
Cathy was always this way. When she was a child her parents were quite strict with her and she took it several steps further. Mistakes on her homework made her furious and she would spend hours doing her lessons over and over again. She was always groomed and would not let herself be seen unless her face was washed, her hair combed and her body clothed.
To say that this woman strives for perfection is to know that she will never be satisfied. Even her family is becoming weary of her demands and her staff at work tends to quit regularly.

Ed seems to be a happy-go-lucky sort of man. At the age of 32 hes starting his own business because hes had a lack of success in working for various companies. Ed wants to work for himself so that when he feels the need to take time off and have fun (particularly playing the horses) he has no one to answer to. You might say that Ed goes for the quick fix when it comes to doing things and he wants results immediately. Along with gambling, Ed tends to binge drink with his friends. He doesnt consider this to be a problem.
At home, Ed finds the lifestyle of a divorced male to be right up his alley. He can come and go as he pleases, he can spend his money as he wishes and he can be as preoccupied as he wants to be with things that give him pleasure.

Marla is a pretty adolescent and the youngest of 6 children. Her parents were quite a big older when she was born and her older siblings did a great deal of child-care for her. Marlas recent behavior is beginning to worry her parents. She has always been very peer-oriented and has taken a leadership role in school and outside of school. Lately, Marla appears to be on a totally different track. She is dressing in black, piercing her body and she stands out from the crowd in a new and daring kind of way.

Ted is a 14 year old boy in Marlas class. He is also standing out from the crowd. When he was little he was bullied constantly because he was small and chubby. Now he seems to have taken on the role of class clown. He makes fun of himself, does ridiculous things and has other kids laughing and pointing him out. Ted seems OK with all of this negative attention but in his room, late at night he knows how miserable he really is.

Brian is a 23 year old part-time Data Processor. He is engaged to be married and wants to start his own business. Brian has always been known as the gun guy in his social crowd. As a teen, he ditched school often because he was bored with the routine and needed to find things that made him feel alive. Brian was smart enough to pass tests and therefore his absences didnt lead to expulsion. Yet, he learned little in school and sought out experiences made him feel good quickly.
Brian did use drugs, he drank, he did everything that he could to give him that edgy feeling that he liked.
Presently, Brian still uses drugs and drinks. He works only 4 hours a day because he cannot tolerate the routine and he wants to be his own boss so that he can do whatever he wants to do. His fianc is worried about his attitude and his need for quick gratification. However, she thinks that he will change and mature when he is married and has responsibilities.

Ned is 48 years old, married with no children and he is a composer. Ned writes music for TV and the movies and he works alone. He has always pushed himself hard and he is never really happy with his results. Neds father was a very critical man who also pushed himself and rarely, if ever, gave out compliments.
Ned has been depressed lately, and he is noticing the change in his motivational level, appetite, sleep patterns. He doesnt know why he is depressed and pushes himself even harder which means that he has no time for his wife or any of the things he used to do. He has little confidence in himself and even though his music is successful, he points out the few times when his music scores have not been accepted for publishing. Ned seems to await rejection and he pursues some level of perfect composition that he never reaches. Yet, he believes that he must reach the impossible standard that he has set for himself. This is his mission. This is the root of his unhappiness.

A Goal Defining Exercise

Do you think that you have any unhealthy emotional goals? Yes No

Where do you think that they originated from?


List any unhealthy emotional goals that you have.


Describe the unhealthy goal that you would like to change


Healthy Emotional Goals may be hidden deep in our psyches. It can take a great deal of thought to bring them to the surface, reclaim them and then put these goals ahead of other goals. When we strive to achieve these healthy goals we are usually satisfied, fulfilled and happy.

The following are the key positive emotional goals as well as some of the emotions that they evoke.
Please read the description below to see if one or more of these goals inspires and energizes you.


Todays preparation determines tomorrows achievement

This healthy goal can be described as a desire for comfort and safety. Security can be in the form of a stable relationship, a steady career, an unchangeable mission in life. Security is more than the making of dollars or the accumulation of properties.
It is best understood in the following context.

Jane is a 40 year old single woman. She was raised in foster homes because her parents were unable to care for her. Over and over again, Jane was shipped from one family to another, one school to another, one set of friends to another. As a youngster, Jane longed to stay in one place and to be surrounded by familiar people. She has lived in her apartment for 20 years and has worked at the same camera shop for 18 years.
Joe is a 35 year old father of one young son. He was raised in a religious home and continues this tradition in his own family. Joe is consistent in going to his Church and volunteering time with the congregation. He always adjusts his work schedule so that he can perform his Church work.


Real leaders are ordinary people with extraordinary determination
People who aspire to be respected are people who yearn to feel valuable and needed by others, to be looked up to. They have a strong positive feeling when someone says You really know your stuff or Ill take your advice or I wish that I were like you
Many people strive to be known for their skills, their knowledge and their perseverance. Respect may or may not involve money-it usually is based upon recognition for hard work, time spent and values that are pursued.


United we stand.divided we fall.

Individuals who yearn for involvement love to feel like they are part of a greater entity. They are excited by inclusion and like to know what is going on and be active in making things happen. These individuals are energized by being part of a team and sharing plans or activities.


There are two good things in life, freedom of thought and freedom of action
S. Maughm

Those who desire freedom are often quite misunderstood in society. Often, they are called aimless or impulsive or irresponsible. When freedom is a healthy goal it is the longing to be ready to do anything positive that one aspires to do and to think without limitations.
Those individuals whose goal is freedom will overcome obstacles in the path of doing what they believe to be right. They are energized and excited by new concepts, new places and new challenges. Many who aspire to freedom of action and thought will find it difficult to balance normal daily routines with their goal. Yet, when something incredibly creative, innovative occurs it is often a freedom-seeker who accomplishes the task.


The only alternative to excitement is irritability

George Bernard Shaw

Excitement is a feeling that many of us describe as, emotionally intense, adrenalin-charged and sensually powerful. Excitement can come from positive or negative events and for our purposes we consider positive events leading to healthy excitement as an emotional goal.
Some individuals from earliest childhood seem to thrive on excitement; fast-paced playing, roller-coasters, intense visual and audio stimulation, ever-changing and dynamic work situations.
Excitement is an emotional goal that is difficult to put aside in the pursuit of any other goal and many of us experience burn-out, boredom, depression and anxiety when we try to leave this goal behind.

A Brief Healthy Goal Exercise

List what you believe to be your healthy emotional goals.


Describe your healthy emotional goals in your own words



What do you believe have been the obstacles to reaching your healthy goals?

Chapter 6

Self-Tests for each of the Emotional Goals

Questionnaires to help you define what your goals really are


What is security all about?
When you were a child, you wanted and needed to be protected and comforted by your caretakers. Security meant that you trusted someone to feed you, heed your cries, keep you safe from danger and guide you on a positive path. As you grew up, you were slowly able to provide for your own comfort and enjoyed this aspect of your life.
Perhaps you had a fragmented family and never experienced consistency in your early years. This might lead you to aspire to security as an adult.

Are You Looking for Security?

Please answer the questions below Yes or No

1. You feel good when your bills are paid
2. You are anxious when you are late paying for something
3. You like to be prepared for exams
4. You get nervous doing something new and different
5. You have money put aside for a rainy day
6. You have people to call in an emergency
7. You plan for the day ahead?
8. You have close friends to talk to and confide in
9. You want a long term relationship
10. Trust is an important word to you
11. You had a favorite stuffed toy as a child.


What is respect all about?
As a young child you were known to be a leader type who liked to have others follow your rules in games. In your family life, you were taught to speak a certain way to adults, and to authority figures and to listen to what they had to say. You may have tended to be protective of your toys and all your possessions as a teenager. No one was allowed to mess with your things. You were very aware of what others thought of you and you may have been a self-conscious adolescent. Perhaps you day-dreamed about being the head of a company, the principal of a school, the leader of a nation?

Are You looking for Respect?

Please answer the questions below, Yes or No

1. You enjoy being listened to
2. You are careful about rules and laws
3. Your parents emphasized paying respect to elders?
4. You dress carefully for appointments
5. You pay attention to your grooming
6. You think about how you look to others
7. As a kid you wanted to be president
8. You are turned off my loud voices in restaurants
9. You turn off your cell phone in movies
10. You knock on doors before entering
11. You teach your kids to talk to you in a certain way
12. You expect youngsters to do as you tell them
13. You like being addressed as Sir or Mam
14. You call older people Sir or Mam
15. You enjoy hearing positive things about yourself


What is involvement all about?

From infancy onwards most of us live and work as part of a team. We are raised in families, learn in classrooms, do sports on teams and work with others. The no man is an Island refrain relates to the reality that individuals rarely accomplish great feats or live their lives without cooperation from others. Healthy participation and competition are part of involvement. Some people crave involvement and love being part of a group effort even when that group is only several people. Individuals who seek out involvement usually do it on many levels and they are often part of a team at work, in school, and in leisure activities.

Are You looking for Involvement?

Please answer the questions below Yes or No

1. I like to work with others
2. I feel comfortable having people around me
3. I like to consult with people about ideas
4. I believe that I have positive things to contribute
5. I like sharing tasks
6. I am a member of several social or athletic groups
7. I think that human beings need to work together
8. I often depend on others and they depend upon me
9. I feel good about contributing my ideas or skills
10. I like to bring people together


What is freedom all about?

Freedom is a much-used word in our vocabulary. As an emotional goal it relates to being able to be independent of others in a healthy way. People who desire freedom are often thought to be loners or impractical or rebels people because they dont go with the crowd. These individuals dont appear to need to conform, although they do not break rules or laws. As children, they were often considered to be different in the sense that they liked to play alone, they were unimpressed with expensive toys and liked to invent their own amusements.

Are You looking for Freedom?

Please answer the questions below Yes or No

1. I enjoy doing things alone
2. Others say that you are unique or an individual
3. I like inexpensive gadgets as well as expensive things
4. I think that some people dont need to work
5. I enjoy new and different experiences
6. I dream about buying my own island
7. I meditate and enjoy having time to think
8. I hesitate to take on extra responsibilities
9. I dont believe that everyone should get married
10. I vote according to my ideas and beliefs
11. I dont think that it is your job to fix everyone and everything


What is excitement all about?

Excitement is an amazingly energized feeling which is best captured on the faces of children. Youngsters do not usually hide the expressions on their faces. We can see the bright eyes and smiling lips. We can almost feel the tingling in their muscles as they face something or someone who stimulates a feeling of healthy excitement within them.
In adulthood, many of us have become highly socialized and therefore dont show excitement as we used to do. We are also adept at postponing excitement until the work is done, until the day is done, until we give ourselves permission to become excited.
There are many people who cannot go through the day without a healthy dose of excitement. For these people, doing without that energizing and powerful feeling is terribly painful and leads to depression, anxiety and anger.

Are you searching for excitement?

Answer the following questions Yes or No

1. As a child, school was often boring for me

2. As an adolescent I was known for doing risky things

3. As an adult I get bored with routine tasks

4. I like fast cars and adventure movies

5. I often think that I should have been a race car driver, a pro sports player, a

6. My friends like to do competitive sports

7. I get irritable when people take a long time to do something

8. I am always thinking of something new to do, or eat or see.

Chapter 7

Important Case Histories

Below you will find the case histories of people who followed the pathways to their own emotional goals, and were fulfilled and successful.

Nicole who is single and 33 years of age, is a warm and engaging young lady who loves to be with people and to help her friends and family. As a youngster, she always wanted more friends and was frustrated by parents who kept her a bit isolated from others. Nicole had no idea of what she wanted to do with her life but her social skills and love of people led her to spend time at parties and with friends when she was a teenager. In college she took basic courses, unsure of what she wanted to do or what her skills were. She spent a great deal of time with her friends who sought her advice and she made extra money babysitting for kids who adored her company. After college she had the idea of becoming a photographer because she liked to take pictures of her friends and scenery.
Now, in her late 20s, she finds herself frustrated and sad with her life. She is working in a busy photo lab, has an interest in taking pictures but something is missing. Nicole tries her own photo business but feels isolated and not motivated for some reason.
After Life Goals Unlimited did a comprehensive evaluation of her skills, strengths and her early interests, it became clear that Nicoles social skills, her helping skills and her early goal of involvement needed to be addressed.
Nicole needed to put things into a plan of action with financial aid and an educational program that met her needs and goals.
Nicole is currently getting her Masters Degree in Child Psychology. Her school activities fit in with a part-time job counseling autistic children for a non-profit organization. She is happy and loves what she is doing. The educational team work is fulfilling and exciting.

Angie, who is 29, has a high school diploma and is married with a young son. She spends hours on the internet looking for stimulation. The only joy she has is cooking for her family and friends because she seems to have a talent for making excellent breads and cakes. Even as a child, she played at baking and in her teens she was the one who brought the cookies to every church bake sale.
Angie is under the impression that cooking is a waste of time. Her parents always told her that spending time in the kitchen was stupid. Her mother had a woman to cook meals for the family and she isnt interested in receipts or ingredients.
Angie feels excited when she experiments with her baking but only a few friends know that this is her passion and that without her cookies and pies the community activities would suffer. Her friends respect her talents. Baking is what she loves to do and what she does very well.
Angie was referred for evaluation of her skills, interests and strengths after her therapist noted that she was depressed and had low self-esteem.
Life Goals Unlimited Comprehensive Testing for Angie revealed that she had poor self-confidence but a lot of knowledge about cooking and preparing food. When she talked about baking, she glowed with pride. What was needed was a plan for financial aid and a program to train her in marketable culinary skills.
Angie is currently working in a bakery, designing wedding cakes and planning on opening her own business. She hears compliments often and her special skills are requested and respected.

Joe is 55 and was recently laid off from his sales position. He is miserable. In his family, every man has been in the sales field and this is a kind of family tradition.
Joe has always been a people- person who likes to make others happy and to see them get what it is that they want. These skills made him a great sales person, however, his company downsized and he is out of a job.
Joe thinks that he has few marketable skills and he is very anxious about finding another job. He looks frantically for a sales position but is turned away as younger people get the jobs. This makes Joe very depressed and confused.
Joe is referred to Life Goals Unlimited for comprehensive evaluation by his doctor who is concerned about his depression and hypertension.
The evaluation of Joe reveals very interesting facts. It shows that Joe loves to engage with people and help them satisfy their needs. He has talents in talking with people and listening to what they say. In addition, he has an analytical mind when it comes to figuring out what other people should do to be more satisfied in life. Joe is excited by involvement at a very personal, intense level. This is something he never really considered before.
At this time Joe is getting a certificate in financial planning so that he can help people use their money in positive ways. He is working part time with a financial planning company and has already proven that he can bring people in, listen and understand their situations and help them strategize a positive plan.

Sara is a secretary and has worked for several companies. She is 23, attractive, single and very unhappy. Saras parents advise her to get married and have children. Sara is beginning to think that this would make her feel content. She wants to please her parents and they are very traditional and conservative. What they dont know about Sara is that all of her daydreams are about climbing mountains and river rafting on fast-moving water. She dreams of parachuting and flying her own plane.
As a child, Sara never shared her dreams. She knew that her parents wouldnt understand or approve of her fantasies. At this point in her life she feels lost and unfulfilled.
Sara met with the life coach from LGU and was encouraged to verbalize her early dreams and aspirations. After thorough testing it was clear that Sara had emotional goals that cried out to be recognized. She is currently in the process of strengthening her understanding of her emotional goals and becoming stronger in her resolve to achieve them.

The individuals above are successfully reaching their emotional goals. At any age, and at any time in your life, you can begin the process of recognizing and of planning to achieve your own emotional goals.

Chapter 8

How to Achieve Your E.G.s and Avoid the Pitfalls

Here are the main obstacles and challenges that keep you from achieving your goals.

1. Unregulated emotions; anxiety, depression and anger. When feelings of anxiety, sadness and anger are intense, research has demonstrated that they do interfere with the minds normal processing abilities. Anxiety (fear) propels us into a fight or flight mode and this often overwhelms our memory, attention and problem-solving mental systems. When depression sets in, we feel hopeless, unmotivated and unable to solve even simple problems or develop plans or seek help. Anger can be super energizing or paralyzing and both of these states compromise our ability to prioritize, to explore alternative routes, to be objective about situations and people.

2. Distractions; In this hectic world it is common for people to become distracted and fail to recognize that they are moving away from their goals. Often, people try to accomplish too much at the same time and this distracts them from the more important goal-related tasks that they should do.
3. Myths; When you are talking about your goals and feeling excited, others may think that you are self-centered. This may be discouraging. It is important to side-step this myth and recognize that pursuing healthy goals is positive and good for everyone.
4. Forces of Nature; In real life some rain must fall and so we all have to deal with the hurricanes, earthquakes and other crises that shake our world. It is important to get back on track after the crisis and re-build the foundations of your goals.
5. The Ill do it alone syndrome. It is usually necessary to get some help along the way as you begin the journey towards your emotional goals. This is the time to reach out, do the research on who can help guide and support you in your quest.

Chapter 8

Positive Strategies for Achieving Goals

Regulate your emotions so that anxiety depression and anger are not interfering with your thinking.
See special tutorial below

Focus on your goals for each domain
It is helpful to make your goals visible and accessible. What we see is often very important information for us and we can make use of our visual sense to remind us of our goals.

List, describe and post your goal in a place where you will see them.

Visualize your goal

Do one goal related task a day. Remember that small steps lead to the goal.

If your emotional goal is to pursue involvement in your life, you may consider the following;
Research volunteer organizations that need a helping hand
Turn to your church or synagogue for group activities
Become involved in your PTA, local business groups, etc.

Use goal-based language
The language of goal achievement is a very important way of reinforcing the concept of making progress towards a specific, positive goal. You can use the language and specifically the following items are examples of the vocabulary.
My goal is to achieve respect in what I do and who I am
I value involvement in all spheres of my life
I take responsibility for moving towards my goals

Get help. Get the needed testing and evaluation services that will highlight your skills, your strengths and point you in the right direction. Please see Resource Section.

Keep track of progress in a new day planner or on computer

Make a Plan.
It is often useful to structure your thoughts about achieving your goal. You can begin by defining the goal, setting a time frame, listing the possible steps needed to get to that goal. Remember that time frames have to be realistic and that the steps have to be small enough to be doable.
If your emotional goal is security a simple plan may look like this.

Reward your successes
Each step towards reaching your goal should be appreciated and celebrated.
We dont have to go to elaborate means to acknowledge that we have approached our goal, yet a simple reward may involve; taking yourself out for coffee, buying that magazine you look at in the grocery store, giving yourself a beauty treatment, etc.

Example of how to use the strategies with a goal

My Goal is Security

Definition of goal;
I want to feel rooted in all aspects of my life, I want to feel certain about my abilities, and my capacity to remain secure even when changes occur. I want to be confident within myself and about my friends and family.


Look at three domains of life; Career, Personal life and Self-Growth. Identify which area or areas I feel secure or insecure in and list the reasons why
Example; In my job I feel like they can let me go at any time.
I feel my family slipping away

Focus upon one area at a time and think about how to begin to build security
Example; In my job I can begin to get extra training or knowledge that will make me a more useful part of the team
In my personal life I need to keep track of all friends and family and stay connected frequently. I can keep track of phone numbers, birthdays etc. via computer or day planner. This will keep my close friends and family within reach.
Identify one task per day to boost security in the domains I have selected
Example; My first task will be to research courses to increase my skills
Keep track of tasks completed
Use a planner to note calls you have made, research you have done

Use the language of security
I feel sure that I have and can learn skills
I have resilience in the face of emergencies or changes
Feeling secure is something that I can optimize within myself

Reward yourself for movement towards your goal

It is what you learn after you know it all that counts.
John Wooden

Tutorial for Emotion Regulation

Emotion regulation is a necessary skill for all of us to practice. We can build our skill set and become more aware of and in control of our emotions quite easily. When we have these skills on-board, we can think more clearly, prioritize, make good decisions and plan for reaching our goals.
Emotion regulation is not a shut down of our feelings. It is the ability to understand them and to modulate them.

For this exercise you will need a small notebook.

1. For One Week you will ask your self the following questions three times a day and jot down the answers
What am I feeling?
What am I thinking?

2. On day one you will do a deep breathing exercise in the morning when you awake, at noon and in the evening.
3. On day two you will say a positive statement to yourself three times a day.
4. On day three you will look in the mirror in the am and the pm and smile at yourself.
5. On day four you will add one healthy activity to your schedule for each day. It can be as simple as drinking more water.
6. On day five you will practice making eye contact with people around you
7. On day seven you will encourage someone to talk about themselves and you will practice being an interested listener

This exercise should be extended for 3 weeks as you put activities, and exercises into place. At the end of 3 weeks, evaluate your progress by reviewing your notations about your feelings and thoughts.


5. Developing Your Childs Emotional Intelligence by Margaret Altman
6. Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self by Allen Schore
7. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
8.Trauma and Recovery by Judith Lewis Herman
9. Feeling Good- The New Mood Therapy by Dr. David Burns
10. The Developing Mind by Daniel J. Siegel

The Curse of Natural Resources

The Curse of Natural Resources

Image source:

Natural resources can be referred to as substances that occur naturally and in most cases are unmodified. They are normally considered valuable. Its value is the demand for it and the amount of material available. They are classified into non-renewable and renewable resources. Renewable ones include forests, coffee and fish. This paper is dealing with the curse of natural resources.

It explains why so many countries rich in natural resources are very poor. It shows the conditions of these countries like Russia and Africa. There is further elaboration of the possibilities of curtailing the curse and how Canada and Norway managed to do this. This paper explains the mechanisms that were put in place to curtail the natural resource curse in these nations. (Auty, 1994)

Research shows that countries that are rich in natural resources are not in apposition of using their assets to enhance their economies. They in fact have low economic growth than the countries that lack profuse natural resources. Many studies carried out in the early eighties reveal a link between copious natural resources and low or poor growth in the economy. This is very evident in countries that produce oil. There are various reasons that explain why countries with natural resources are poor. (Gylfason, 2001)

One of them is that natural resources normally provoke conflicts within societies. These result in fighting of people in relation to these resources. This was the situation in Angola which is a nation that is very rich in oil. These conflicts normally occur in more hidden form. They include fights between departments that allocate funds and government ministries. Research reveals that natural resources have links with armed conflicts in many nations. This is most cases occur because of exploitation and the control of the natural resources and revenue allocation. When belligerents access these natural resources it results in increase in vulnerability of conflicts. These conflicts normally affect the produce of the country and therefore make the nation not to benefit from the natural resources in the long run.

Nations that are not endowed with natural resources normally tax the citizens and they in turn want a responsive and efficient government. This normally creates a mutual relationship between the subjects and rulers. On the other hand the nation that has natural resources, citizens is not taxed because of the income from natural resources. The relationship between the subjects and rulers therefore is deteriorated. The rules therefore take advantage of this and give poor service to citizens. Corruption becomes rampant as individuals seek to benefit from the natural resources and fail to focus o the nation as a whole. Corruption is one of the diseases that consume the economy of these nations and therefore they end up becoming very poor and they don't benefit from the natural resources that exist therein. (Ascher, 1999)

Nations that are rich in natural resources just allocate resources to some constituents that are favored only. The policies are not economic growth oriented and in most cases they are not well regulated. Most of the finances that come from natural resources are used for carrying out corruption in the political arena. This makes the government not to see the need of regulating the economy and building up of institutional infrastructure. Tax therein is not well regulated and this plays a big role in making the economy undeveloped. There normally exist offshore tax havens that give corrupt politicians the wide opportunity to hide their wealth stolen from citizens.

This is the situation in Africa and in Russia. Though these nations have abundant natural resources, their economies grow at a very slow pace when compared to the nations that do not have such resources. Nations like Venezuela, Nigeria and Russia experience growth that is of mediocre magnitude. This is the case comparing to nations like Korea, Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan.
These nations experience high economic growth rates and yet they are not that developed. The reason as to why Russia and African countries are poor is because the sudden increase in income emanating from natural resource led to the governments having less sound economic management. This actually gave these nations some false sense of security and they failed to put in place strategies that would enhance economic growth. There is less benefit from economic spillovers. (Krueger, 1974)

Norway was one of the poorest nations in Europe in the year 1900. Research indicates that this nation is one of the richest not just in Europe but in the world. This nation is endowed with natural resources like natural gas, oil, hydroelectric power and fish. Canada and Norway managed their natural resources very well such that these resources were converted to prosperity therein. Research reveals that Norway never avoided recession for some few years. (Gylfason, 2001)

Looking at it in the present times, there is good exploitation of its natural wealth because of planned development. Research carried out in the year 2006 indicates that this nation's eighty percent of its oil rents are normally collected through fees and taxes that are channeled or invested in foreign securities. This helps in protecting the economy from enormous and abrupt increase in income. This then results in fair division of oil rent among generations. On the other hand, Canada managed to use its natural resources also and channeled it to prosperity.

The income from natural resources was used for developing various sectors in the nation. They include; health, telecommunication systems and the construction of roads. This made this nation to benefit from its natural resources.

These are the mechanisms that were used in these nations to curtail the curse. This shows that it is possible to curtail this curse also in other nations. One factor that is very evident in Norway and Canada is that they never gave a chance to corruption but they ensured that the income from natural resources was well utilized such that the economy developed. Another mechanism that is evident in these two nations is that both of them carried out diversification such that they just did not depend on the natural resources only. The policies therein were well formulated. The policies aim at protecting the natural resources from exploitation. (Leite, 1999)

It is very possible for nations like Russia, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Zambia and Nigeria among others to put in place mechanisms that will enable them to benefit from natural resources so that they become a blessing and not curse. One of them is simply enacting policies that will help protect the natural resources therein from private people who may be out to exploit the natural resources. The policies should encourage transparency in the way the natural resources are utilized. Any income from natural resources has to be accounted for. This is because looking at these nations, corruption is so rampant and the lack of proper policies makes the rulers or rather political leaders to misuse the natural resources therein. One mechanism that can work for this nation is allowing external experts to manage the natural resources.

Lack of proper technology is also one of the reasons that make nations that are endowed with natural resources to remain poor. These nations need to invest in proper technology that will help them to make proper use of their natural resources. There are many African nations that have gold but because of the lack of proper technology, they remain poor.

When proper technology is used, these nations can make good use of their natural resources and shift from poverty to prosperity. This will see the economic growth of these nations than what is currently happening. Other institutions within the nations need to be well placed for economic growth to occur. These include the banking sector, transport and communication among other sectors. The very fact that Canada and Norway managed to have economic growth from natural resources shows that it is very possible for countries that presently have the curse to prevent them in the future by implementing the recommendations illustrated above. (Krueger, 1974)

Natural resources are substances that occur naturally and are not modified. These resources are normally valuable. Research indicates that many countries that are rich in natural resources have got very low economic growth and are generally poor. This is because of various reasons including corruption among others. Nations that do not have these resources are even richer. Nations like Norway and Canada managed to boost their economy using natural resources because they focused on building institutions and key sectors in the nation. These sectors include; transport, telecommunication and the health sectors. Nations that endowed with natural resources need to put in place mechanism that will help in boosting the economy. This includes enacting proper policies that will protect natural resources from corrupt individuals.

Auty, M. (1994): Industrial Policy Reform in Six Large Newly Industrializing Countries: The Resource Curse Thesis; World Development; 22, 11-26
Ascher, W. (1999): Why Governments Waste Natural Resources; Policy Failures in Developing Countries; the John Hopkins University Press
Gylfason T. (2001): Nature, Power and Growth, Scottish Journal of Political Economy; Vol 48; No 5; 558-588
Hodges, T. (2004): Anatomy of an Oil State; New York; Melbourne Press
Krueger A., (1974): The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society; American Economic Review; 64; 291-303
Leite C. (1999): Does Mother Nature Corrupt? Natural Resources; Corruption and Economic Growth; New York; Harvard Press
Sachs, D. and Warner, A. (1995): Natural resource abundance and economic growth; New York; Prentice Press
Stiglitz, J. (2007): Escaping the Resource Curse; New York; Columbia University Press

Monday, February 26, 2018

The Combination of Anti-Aging and Sunless Tanning Technologies

The Combination of Anti-Aging and Sunless Tanning Technologies

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Effectively Innovative or Unfortunately Inefficient?

With the fixation of many in looking younger and more beautiful, which does not exclude men; two industries have combined to produce one type of product that is geared towards the creation of the ultimate item for consumption that can achieve a youthful and beautiful look. The anti-aging industry, which is expected to grow to more than $5 billion in the United States and to increase to almost $300 billion globally, is a testament to the number of people who want to defy the natural aging process and look younger as they grow older. The sunless tanning sector of the indoor tanning industry, which commands 17% of the said $5 billion dollar industry, has taken advantage of the market for tanning and anti-aging products. A tanned complexion creates a youthful and more beautiful skin in that it hides blemishes and age spots, while at the same time manifesting an aura of activeness and vigor. Because of this, sunless tanning technology is perfect to be combined with anti-aging properties.

And so, it has come to be. You can now buy anti-aging sunless tanning lotions, creams and sprays. Instead of a tanned skin hiding blemishes, its regular use can also fill wrinkles and prevent the appearance of fine lines and age spots. The question now is that is this really possible? How so? The answer is quite simple actually; to create an anti-aging and self tanning product, their active ingredients need to be successfully combined in order to achieve the desired effect of a truly youthful skin, with the healthy and beautiful glow of a tan.

The active ingredient that is crucial in every sunless tanning product is dihydroxyacetone (DHA), a colorless sugar that is approved by the FDA as safe for topical use. DHA causes a darkening reaction on the dead skin cells in the outermost layers of the skin. This is what produces the tanning effect. Because dead skin cells are sloughed off in 5 to 7 days, the darkened skin also slowly wears out to reveal the true color of the skinmuch like how natural tans disappear after about a week. Now DHA is safely and successfully combined with Matrixyl, which is the active ingredient for anti-aging solutions, to produce anti-aging sunless tanning products. Matrixyl (Palmitoyl Penta peptide) is a class of amino acids that stimulate the body to produce more elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. How is this significant? Collagen is considered to be the foundation of the skin, making the skin firm and compact, while elastin accounts for the skin's elasticity and its ability to bounce back when pulled. Hyaluronic acid, on the other hand, has the ability to deter and minimize the manifestation of aging symptoms like wrinkles, age spots and fine lines.

With the combination of DHA and Matrixyl, anti-aging sunless tanning products make sense. These two active ingredients can certainly act in the dual action of giving people beautiful tans, while at the same time defying the natural skin aging process.

The Bhutan Middle Management Hotel Program (BMMHP) is pleased to announce the engagement of Dr. Daniel G. Fuchs (PhD)

The Bhutan Middle

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The Bhutan Middle Management Hotel Program (BMMHP), is pleased to announce the arrival of Professor Daniel G. Fuchs, International Hospitality Expert, Consultant, as guest lecturer and visiting professor between 13th and 17th February, 2012.

The Bhutan Middle Management Hotel Program is a small program for existing personnel of the Bhutanese hotel industry, in and around the country. This program is sponsored by Jacobs and Elysium Foundation from Switzerland and in partnership with the HWZ University of Applied Science Zurich, also based in Switzerland and is under the patronage of the Tourism Council of Bhutan. It offers the course to 30 in-service personnel of the Bhutanese hotel industry, free of cost to the candidates. This program, albeit, is offered at the Royal Institute for Tourism and Hospitality (RITH).

There are 30 participants from different hotels from Bhutan. Some are from 5 star hotels and some are from 4-2 star hotels. The participants are selected, but still have differences in their capacity to learn in the class. The backgrounds of these Middle-Management participants are primarily from Housekeeping, Front Office, F&B and Accounting.

Dr. Fuchs will give lecture in Food and Beverage Management for a week, starting from 13th -17th February 2012.

Professor Daniel G. Fuchs is very excited about his involvement with this very unique program and he is saying: "To be selected for such a prestigious and innovative program is an honor. I sincerely believe that this is right way to empower local managers to grow and develop which in turn facilitates the development of the country. This will ultimately benefit the people of Bhutan. Tourism handled and managed the right way is such an excellent engine for growth, especially when managed in a sustainable way. To visit Bhutan has been a dream of mine for a very long time and I am sure my time in the Kingdom of the Thunder Dragon will be exciting and hopefully rewarding for the participants of the program."

Dr. Urs Drsteler, Pro-Rector HWZ University of Applied Sciences for Business Administration Zrich, Switzerland is being quoted, that this is an innovative Approach to train Bhutanese Hotel Managers.

Dr. Urs Drsteler says:" Tourism is and will remain a very important foreign currency provider for Bhutans economy. The number of tourists visiting Bhutan is relatively small, but has been increasing over the last few years. In spite of the different annual growth path in the sector, the hotels and tourism provide interesting long term career opportunities for young Bhutanese, such as heads of food and beverage, front desk, accommodation, operational management, finance, recreational activities, etc. To cope with the present and future needs in the four and five star hotels, as well as to upgrade the management of family operated hotels, Bhutan needs a new generation of highly skilled local hotel managers."

As a Swiss national himself, Professor Daniel G. Fuchs is proud and honored to have been invited to join this great program and he is very thankful to the following persons, who do play a major role in this unique program and helping the Hotel and Tourism Industry of Bhutan, by educating Middle Management Staff of various Bhutanese Hotels and moving this industry forward.

Ms. Marianne Frei, President of the Society Switzerland-Bhutan (SSB) / Lecturer, Counselor and Officer for Admissions, University of Teacher Education, Zurich, Switzerland.

Prof. Dr. Urs Drsteler, Head of Faculty for Business Administration of HWZ University of Applied Sciences, Zurich, Switzerland.

Mr. Dhurba Chhetri, Program Administrator for the Bhutan Middle Management Hotel Program at the Royal Institute for Tourism & Hospitality in Motithang, Thimphu.

As an incentive and recognition for the outstanding graduates, the Program will be sending the three best participants to Switzerland or in one of the regional countries on an exposure trip in their professional areas.

Let us hope, that future visitors of Bhutan might have an enjoyable encounter with one or the other graduate of the Bhutan Middle Management Hotel Program.

The 17 Miracle Prayer Points That Make You Rich

The 17 Miracle Prayer Points That Make You Rich

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Someone asked me the other day what was the most effective prayer point to pray and become wealthy.

I did some digging around and found out that the most powerful prayer points for wealth are the ones prayed by one of our partners over 5 years ago.

He wasn't prepared for what happened after.

Here's his story...

He was waiting on the Lord (kingdom-speak for prayer and fasting) for 40 days when the Lord spoke to him the words of Ps 2 verse 8, which says:

"Ask of me and I will give you the heathen for thy inheritance and the outermost part of the earth for thine possession."

That was his blank cheque. He asked. And asked. And asked.

How did he ask?

He converted that piece of scripture into
what we call a prayer point (he came up with 17 of them based on just that one Bible verse).

Then he began to pray it in a very violent manner (the violent takes it by force, remember).

What was the result?

Within a year, he started a wireless communication business.

The Lord gave him amazing favor.

Today that business is worth billions and operates in 3 continents!

And, oh... he was named as one of Time Magazines' Top 100 influential persons of 2002.

Along with such household names as Oprah and Michael Dell.

I'm going to give you a few of the prayer points in a moment.

All you desire in life, including inter-generational wealth can be yours, depending on the prayer points you pray!

And hear this...

Prayer points are the missing secret in the body of Christ today!

That's why most christians have never received a tangible, verifiable miracle!

And what's a prayer point?

A piece of scripture converted into short, sharp,aggressive sounding prayers that can easily be prayed over and over again.

- No, this is not vain repetition because it is the word of God.

* It packs real power. It carries fire.

* It can build your relationships.

* It can build a church, or a skyscraper.

* It can flood your life with divine favor.

* Or get your body (or loved ones) healed.

* It can put the honey back in your marriage

If you want to test drive those prayer points, here are just 4 of them:

The 17 Miracle Prayer Points...

1. O Lord, let my angel of blessing locate me today in the name of Jesus.

2. Let the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ come upon the works of my hands in Jesus' name.

3. Angels of the living God, search the land of the living and the dead and recover all my stolen wealth in Jesus' name.

4. O Lord, anoint my eyes to see the hidden riches of this world.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

The 10 Essentials for Relieving Stress

The 10 Essentials for Relieving Stress

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Let's accept the fact that everybody gets stressed out once in awhile whether it's because of work, personal problems, or financial problems. Stress spares no one.

I made a list of some ways to relieve exhaustion.

Do Deep Breathing Exercises

This is a faster, simpler, and an ideal way of relieving stress. Basically, you can do deep breathing exercises anywhere you are. This can actually help us relax our body and mind.

First, comfortably sit or stand, which ever relaxes you more. Then slowly inhale through the nose while counting to five. Pause for 2 seconds. Exhale through your mouth slowly while counting to five. Again, pause for 2 seconds then repeat the procedure.

Massage One way to relieve stress is to have a soothing massage. This way, you can relax your muscle as well as your mind since the muscle and mind are interconnected. This can also help improve blood circulation, and lower your blood pressure.

This is done by closing your eyes. Then use your fingertips to massage your forehead and nape in circular motion.

Think Positive

Surround yourself with positive energy. Negative thinking and energy can have a great effect in so many ways. Try not to hang out with negative person because it brings out bad attitude and stresses you even more.

By being more optimistic, listening to uplifting songs, reading inspirational books, and practicing affirmation will help us gain more positive attitude and energy.


Learn how to laugh it off; laughing could be a healthy food for the body and soul. Once in a while, rent a funny movie, as many of us do not know, laughing can actually trigger the release of endorphins. What do endorphins do? They make you feel good about yourself and it is a great stress reliever. The endorphins are hormones that are found in the brain, and reduce pain sensation and affects emotions. As the expert say, laughing more lessens the possibility of developing a heart problem.

Listen to Music

Music therapy plays an important role in stress relief. Music can promote wonderful effect in your life by increasing positive energy as you perform your daily tasks. An upbeat song boosts your energy without even realizing you've finished your work. But during bedtime, a softer and quiet music has an easing effect on your body and your soul, helping you to relax more. I prefer classical music myself.

Watch What You're Drinking Drinking coffee and soda all through out the day can have a huge effect on your mental status. Like coffee, soda contains caffeine as well, and a large amount of caffeine consumed in a day would cause restlessness, shaky hands or tremors, and irritability which increase stressful emotions.

Take a Nap We usually make children take their naps every afternoon, do we even know the reason behind it? Some people say it helps them grow more, but the thing is it actually helps them regain the energy they lost during the morning activity. Same goes for us, taking a catnap or power nap which ever you prefer to call it, would help us regain the energy we used. By taking a nap, you reduce stress and increase cognitive functioning. You are more efficient, a faster learner, and moves more quickly after taking a mid-day sleep. Do at least a 30-minute catnap.

How To Get Your No-collateral Unsecured Loan Immediately

Image source: How To Get Your No-collateral Unsecured Loan Immediately ...