Thursday, March 15, 2018

Why The 2nd Amendment is so Important to Our Freedom

Why The 2nd Amendment is so Important to Our Freedom

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The 2nd Amendment forms part of the Bill of Rights of the United States of America. This particular amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms which means that the people has the right to bear arms for their defense, their own state, or the United States, and of course to kill games. It prohibits any law to be passed with the aim of disarming the people unless a crime has been committed, or they pose a real danger to the public. Until this day, the 2nd Amendment still stands despite the censorship of its detractors and seems that it will be staying for good under the protection of the Bill of Rights.

When it was first drafted, the idea is to have a universal militia during the 1790's because it is very expensive for the government to bring guns to all of the members of the militia. They say that this right originated from the English courts where the king requires his subjects to bear firearms for military duty. During that time, they don't have a regular army and police force so certain men had to keep watch and ward at night to keep the peace in the communities, hence the need to keep an assault rifle in the house of certain men. These men are tasked to ward off bandits and to capture and confront suspicious persons.

The only difference is, the 2nd Amendment does not discriminate against social classes unlike with the English where only the wealthy are able to bear arms. It should also be emphasized that in arming the militia, which is a natural defense of any free country against invasions, or any uprising that will jeopardize the peace and democracy in a country, the right against usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers within or outside the country can be impede and eventually discouraged. Some historians and philosophers say and believe that injustice in a country will be exerted unless forcibly resisted. Having the right to bear arms gives the ammunition to make sure that injustice does not happen - figuratively and literally speaking.

With the advancement in technological warfare, the classes of guns supported by the 2nd amendment have also grown in number. It includes ak47 and m16 riffles. The registration process has also improved with all the requirements necessary for a person to acquire a gun. There are also individuals who are prohibited from carrying a gun because the court does not see them fit to carry a weapon that may cause harm to a multitude of people.

Even if the 2nd Amendment was created to further the rights and liberty of the people, it can also very easily cause the violation of the rights of people facing the other end of the barrel. Despite this possibility, the 2nd Amendment has done more good than harm to the people and the state. There are enough regulations to keep it and its consequences in check. All in all, it has promoted liberty and uphold the rights of the people.

W J Snyder has a love for WW2 military history guns, so much so that it inspired him to design and create t shirts based on these interests. To see his designs goto: PRO GUN T SHIRTS and ACHTUNG T SHIRT PRO GUN BLOG.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Why Stress Can Be A Cause To Impotence

Why Stress Can Be A Cause To Impotence

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Stress has become an inevitable consequence of modern life, and we are subjected to increasing amounts on a daily basis. The term stress was originally coined and defined by Hans Selye in 1936 as "the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change." This means that we are all subjected to stress, but its effects on our bodies differ greatly from person to person, largely dependent on the gravity of and how we handle the stressful situation. Selye determined that there were two kinds of stressors, positive and negative. Positive stressors, or eustress, are situations that are perceived to be happy or good, such as weddings, childbirth or big family holidays. Negative stressors, or distress, are situations that are traumatizing or unhappy, such as the death of a loved one or an accident. But whether the situation is positive or negative, this rate of wear and tear we subject ourselves to eventually takes its toll on our bodies, and how we deal with the stress is important.

Stress has become one of the leading causes of health problems. It manifests itself in any number of physical or psychological symptoms that are often ignored until it seriously affects our health. The increasing number of stress-related illnesses has raised alarm bells throughout the worldwide medical community.

One of the health conditions that is caused by stress is sexual impotence. Also referred to as erectile dysfunction (ED), sexual impotence commonly affects sexually mature males and is marked by the inability to obtain and/or maintain an erection hard enough for successful sexual intercourse. Among the reasons for impotence are smoking, alcohol abuse, pelvic trauma, hormonal deficiency, or conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Psychological impotence is most often caused by stress, usually stemming from work, financial burdens, family life, general preoccupation and exhaustion. It may also be caused by depression, mental illness, traumatic incidents such as sexual abuse or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In order to help someone suffering from sexual impotence, it is important for a patient to undergo counseling to uncover the hidden cause from which the condition stems from. This may help identify if the underlying reason can be removed or its effect reduced through appropriate treatment.

Because mental stimulation plays a major role in sex, both in its overall enjoyment and in mediating the physiological pathways of arousal, a person's mental health is important in recovering from psychological impotence. This is because stress results in production of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, the effect of which hinders erection and the ability to feel aroused. Sometimes the condition is even aggravated by the patient's feelings of shame and inadequacy when the first symptoms of this condition manifest. This is the time when they most need the love and support of their partners, who are often encouraged by doctors to attend the counseling sessions. Stress-induced psychological impotence is very treatable and more often than not requires a change in the affected couple's lifestyle and habits. Both partners must willingly accept these changes to ensure the over-all wellness of the patient as well as the security of their relationship.

Visit the Health And Nutrition Tips website to learn about bowel movement problems, bowel spasm, irritable bowel syndrome, tailbone pain, broken tailbone symptoms , treatment for broken tailbone and other information.

Why Some Children Don't Like to Read

Why Some Children Don't Like to Read

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Are you troubled by your child's disinterest in reading? Maybe you have a young child just learning to read. You try to encourage the learning by reading together. However, each reading session is a struggle. Your child shuns it like a hated vegetable . Or maybe your child can already read, but just doesn't want to. They even tell you straight in your face, "I hate reading."

How did it come to this? Why does your child dislike reading? Basically, it comes down to one thing: the love for reading was never ignited or have been extinguished. Here are 8 ways to kill a child's love for reading:

1. Reading sessions are more like drilling sessions. Don't quiz and test children when reading. It's ok to point things out and ask questions to promote thinking but make sure it stays FUN. Don't turn it into a pressurized teaching session. Yes, you hope that they learn something from the reading but don't make that your main objective. Read to enjoy the story. Learning usually takes place when the teaching is not so obvious.

2. Television, video and computer games takes center stage when it comes to relaxation and entertainment. These strongly distracts children from reading. There needs to be a limit to these activities if you want to convince them that books can be entertaining too.

3. Reading books that are too difficult for their reading level. It is very discouraging for children to open a book and not know how to read many of the words. Where is the joy when you struggle to get through a page? Know your child's reading ability and get books appropriate to their level.
4. Reading sessions turn into screaming and put down sessions. Parents need to hold realistic expectations of their children. Control frustrations when children don't excel as fast as you wish they would. Watch your tongue and avoid derogatory remarks such as "Can't you remember that word, we just read it," or "I've told you many times already. What's wrong with you?"

5. Reading books that are of no interest to them. How do children regard these books? BORING! To a young boy, reading a book on dinosaurs may be more captivating than reading a book about Dick and Jane. Draw your teenagers into reading with books that they can relate too. I know when I was that age I was game for books on love, romance, and friendship. Capitalize on your child's hobbies and interests.

6. Forced reading. for older children, sometimes homework is in the form of assigned readings. Usually a report has to be handed in at the end. Although this is done under good intentions, it is easy for a child to regard reading as a chore to be done. Very likely too, the assigned reading is not of their choice and therefore, not of their liking. Reading in this situation is like dragging feet in the mud.

7. Peer pressure. This is another factor that affects older children. Kids can be cruel with their branding and teasing. The term "nerds" and "geeks" are usually thrown at those that indulge in books. Your child may very well choose to shun books just to fit in and be one of the "cool kids."

8. Limiting what children read. Imagine if you loved sci-fi books but was told you could only read classics. What a damper that would be for you right? Be open to what your child wants to read. You may think your child has moved passed picture books but he wants it anyway. Let him. Or you may think reading comic books have less educational value then reading well known novels. Remember, it's a book in their hands nonetheless. So, whether it be fiction, non-fiction, picture books, comic books, magazines etc... be supportive.

You want to get your child reading, you have to first show that it is fun and enjoyable. Don't push too hard to get your child to learn to read or read to learn. Only when there is love for reading can the learning begin.

Go to the Baking Chicken website for information on how to bake chicken. Visit the Boxing Tips website for info on boxing techniques. Want to learn everything on boxing exercises? Visit the Boxing Workouts website.

Why Projects Fail Part 2

Why Projects Fail Part 2

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"Directing a Successful Project": the C-NOMIS case study

(This is part 2 of a series of 10 posts: Why projects fail?)

This post deals with the second of the OGC's eight causes of project failure: the lack of effective or clear senior management, ownership or leadership at higher levels within the organisation.

The PRINCE2 project management methodology recognises 4 levels of project-related management:

* Team manager (ground-level operations)
* Project manager (manages the day-to-day project decisions)
* Project board (responsible for decisions outside the project manager's scope, for example, dealing with exceptional risks or requests for change)
* Programme/corporate management (responsible for the integration of the project into the wider programme or business strategy)

The final management level actually falls outside of project management, but effective programme/corporate management is crucial for ensuring that a project makes coherent business sense.

According to the NAO report, the C-NOMIS project has been overseen by three different SROs (Senior Responsible Officers), the first of whom had very little prior experience working with large-scale IT systems projects. A further element of confusion was added by the fact that NOMS - the organisation running the project - was a recent amalgamation of HM Prisons, the National Probation Service and various other government offices and organisations, all of which came with their own management structures and their own ways of doing things.

The consequences of this confusion were as follows:

* Poor monitoring by senior management

Neither the project board nor the SRO requested or received any information about the project beyond standard summaries and briefings until mid-2007. There is no evidence during this period that senior management monitored the delivery of the product.

* No clear financial accountability

Although the project board met once every two months, the records show that there was no discussion of project finances until May 2007 - by which point the estimated cost of the project had almost tripled to 690 billion.

* Weak change control

One key reason for the increasing costs and delays was the "scope creep" allowed on the final product (the integrated database). This was partly caused by having various requirements from the different departments and no central figure of authority to ensure that the requirements were compatible, achievable and necessary to the project objectives. Scope creep can be fatal for a project in the Business Case is not regularly reviewed, as it changes the cost/benefit balance - often for the worse.

Summary and solutions

The newly-updated PRINCE2 guidance includes the release of a PRINCE2 manual aimed particularly at senior managers, who need to understand the basics of the PRINCE2 method and their PRINCE2 responsibilities. This manual is called Directing a Project, and may eventually lead to an additional qualification particular to project board members. You may learn more details about how projects should be directed by attending PRINCE2 training.

The MSP programme management methodology and certification is also an invaluable source of best-practice guidance for individuals new to senior project management roles and responsibilities.
Looking ahead ...

The lack of clear senior management, leadership and ownership on the project was a key factor in the failure of C-NOMIS. In my next post I am going to look at the third of the causes of project failure - no effective stakeholder engagement.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Why Millennial Investing Is Trending Away From Stocks

Why Millennial Investing Is Trending Away From Stocks

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Whether theyre killing the golf industry or changing the way business is done, Millennials are changing everything.

And that includes investing.

For years, most investors have put their money in the stock market. With the influx of Millennials into the financial sector, that is slowly changing.

According to a survey by Goldman Sachs, only 18% of Millennials see the stock market as the best way to save for the future. 40% have no interest in the stock market at all.

In this article, well take a look at the top trends in Millennial investing and try to understand where the market is headed.

Millennials Have Seen the Market Crasha Few Times

Millennials are the generation between age 18 and 35 that grew up in the 90s and 00s. Those two decades saw some huge changes to the economy.

Millennials grew up through the Dotcom and housing bubbles and the burst of those same bubbles. Theyve lived through two recessions.

Weve all seen how the Great Depression had a lasting impact on the financial habits of our grandparents. These booms and busts have had a similar effect on how Millennials make their investments.

Having seen high-risk, short-term investments fail, Millennials are skeptical of the stock market. Despite nearly tripling in the years since the Great Recession, most young investors see this growth as unsustainable.

Millennials Have Less Money to Invest

Its not laziness: Millennials earn lower wages than their parents did. And that is coupled with much higher student loan debt.

With a higher debt-to-income ratio than previous generations, Millennials have less disposable income.

That includes income that would go toward investments.

Millennials invest less because they have less to invest. And what money they do have to invest is less likely to go to the stock market, because

Millennial Investing Prefers Low-Risk Options

Having lived through such chaotic highs and lows, Millennials a healthy skepticism of risky investments. And that includes the stock market.

With less money to invest, Millennials are more careful with their options.

According to a survey by, thirty-nine percent of Millennials prefer cash investments for long-term financial planning. Twenty-three percent prefer real estate.

Both of which lead the stock market, which comes in at only 19%. This is despite significantly higher returns on investment.

But Millennial investing is more interested in security than ROI. The stock market may have more potential for high gains, but that comes with a healthy dose of risk.

And young investors arent interested

Millennials are Skeptical of Large Corporations

Its no secret that Millennials dont trust big corporations.

As consumers, Millennials are moving their money away from big brands and toward smaller or local companies.

Millennials arent as concerned with economic success as their parents. Instead, they are more concerned with environmental sustainability, economic equity, and product quality.

As a result, they have little interest in cutthroat corporations. Millennials are not impressed by sacrificing quality or cutting wages to increase profits.

And since most local companies dont trade on the Stock Exchange, many Millennials simply arent interested.

One thing is for sure. As they become a larger portion of the economy, Millennial investing habits will have a permanent effect on the financial sector.

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Why Is Legacy Important And How to Achieve It

Why Is Legacy Important And How to Achieve It

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Every year when I visit my cousins in Dubuque Iowa, I see the stone barn that my grandfather built in 1895. It makes me think about the long term affect of what we have accomplished during our lives, and could we have done better? And then these two thoughts bring me to "Why is legacy important for me... for you?" Start with the answer to "Why did you start your business?" Then add to that ten, twenty even thirty years of daily effort.

It has taken focus, diligence, awareness of the market, customers, changing workforce, production issues, constant experimentation with new products, and balancing financial forces to create the business strategy you now have. At some point you started thinking "What's next?" What do I do with this company and these people? I can't do this forever. And what is the point of all of this?

As with my grandfather, our country's founders were in the same position. They started by dealing with the current moment and an intuition about what needed to be done. Then they built into the future. Just as you did, every time they had problems they got creative and solved it. They hoped their daily efforts were building something that would last. They understood that endurance is part of legacy. So is the deeper meaning in things we build that endure.

Legacy is about making an impact that is meaningful and outlasts us. If it's done well, generations later your efforts, creativity, insights, vision, values and wisdom make a valuable contribution to how people are able to live their lives. If those who benefit are your grandchildren and great grandchildren, that is wonderful. If the advantage includes your employees, stock holders, community, and maybe even your customers, that is truly amazing.

Accomplishing a legacy that stretches beyond yearly profits takes several key pieces. First, holding a clearly defined long term vision of the results is a requirement. The second obvious part is doing today with enough skill that tomorrow is possible. The tough part is constantly linking today's actions and this year's initiatives with a five and ten year plan in mind. The almost impossible part is to have a 200 year vision/plan and effectively match that with the core values, systems, and processes for the time steps in between.

The problem spot for almost all legacies is implementation. This is where almost all legacies fall apart. What do you do to teach and inspire the next generation, so that they buy into the long term view through their daily actions that help to achieve and enforce that vision? Start with dialog about your values. Ask them how they define and live their values. Help them learn the daily skills. Always ask (because leadership development requires independent self-directed followers) what they see is possible and how they plan to accomplish that. Challenge them to grow.

Above all teach them the skills to invest with wisdom and wealth skills for the long term. After all, money is only a tool for our future, and the legacy we can leave is the meaning we have created with it. That is what my barn building grandfathers taught their grandsons, the long view and how learning, values and tools build legacy.

Legacy: anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor: the legacy of ancient Rome.

Why Invest In Foreclosed Homes For Sale

Why Invest In Foreclosed Homes For Sale

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Ever since the subprime mortgage crisis, people are finding numerous opportunities in buying foreclosed homes for sale. Some had even declared the real estate market as a buyers market due to the huge drop in price levels. This is particularly true especially if you take account of the fact that most foreclosures are being sold for as much as 60 to 70 percent below their actual market values. If you are interested in maximizing these opportunities, here are some of the ways which can help you benefit from foreclosures investing.

Appreciation In Market Value

This is the most popular reason why people buy foreclosures. It is a common knowledge that real estate properties held over time generally appreciate in their market values. To be sure, you should research on the areas in the country where appreciation is relatively faster than the others.

Instant Equity and Savings

One of the reasons why foreclosed homes for sale are popular is because of the large amount of savings that you can get from buying them. With the substantial discount that you can get from foreclosed homes for sale, you could easily use the extra money to fund other investments or business. Many buyers see this as a way to quickly grow their money since it affords them a way to invest in other financial opportunities as well.

Rentals Business

There are many foreclosures that can be great for a rentals business. Usually, this caters to a particular type of market. The key to having a successful rentals business is to find out where renters are flocking and which neighborhoods score high in their preference charts. Some buyers also take advantage of multi-unit foreclosed homes for sale that can be rented out to two or more families. However, you need to be aware of the any rent control law that is in effect in the area.

Increasing Property Value

When you remodel a property or make some repairs, you actually add to its value in the long run. This is a way to increase its property value. For instance, replacing small windows with large, tall ones can give your property a better view of the scene outside and thus, could be more attractive to prospective buyers. If your property is situated at a beach front or overlooking a wide mass of greenery, having a view is very important to the value of the property.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Why Do You Need To Grow A Vegetable Garden

Why Do You Need To Grow A Vegetable Garden

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In todays world now is a good time to grow a vegetable garden with inflation eating away at your paycheck. And the possible collapse of the financial system under the weight of the mortgage meltdown. It is time to take some control over your own food security and the best and easiest way to do that is to grow a simple vegetable garden.

Building a vegetable garden is not all that difficult. If your lawn will grow grass it will grow vegetables. You dont need to know the soils ph or anything else for that matter. If your backyard is underwater because of poor drainage, or some other matter you should look at raised beds. But other than that it will grow vegetables.

Plants only need three things to survive. Water, sunlight and somewhere to stick their roots and that is basically it. All the rest is secondary.

To see if you can grow vegetables all you have to do is plant a few seeds. I recommend starting small in a 2 meter or 2 yard long by 1.3 meters or 4 feet wide vegetable garden bed. I wouldnt even dig it up. Just make it out and then push a seed in the soil between the clumps of grass. Plant seeds about 6 inches apart and that is about it.

First I would buy about 10 packets of seeds from the supermarket or garden center and then plant one seed from each packet at a time. I dont like planting the same vegetable seed one after another, as that way pests and diseases cant travel easily from one plant to the next. After you have planted the seeds water the whole garden bed. Now is the waiting and watering game Water every second day if the garden needs it. In about two weeks things should be happening, so make out another meter or two and plant some more and that is how you build a vegetable garden the easy way.
When building a vegetable garden you can do it the easy way or the other way. Ill stick to the easy way as that is the way I know. First up go to the supermarket and check out the price of vegetables because that is the money you will be saving in a little over a month.

Start planting your seeds in the early spring time and hopefully after the last frost has passed, but it doesnt matter if it hasnt. Just pick a spot where you want to start the vegetable garden and mow the grass as short as possible. This is to make it easier to plant the seeds but also the vegetable plants should be able to grow above the grass in a very short time.

Now mark out the start of the vegetable garden bed. We are only going to plant one end of the garden so pick a spot where the vegetable garden can grow across your lawn. This is your first vegetable garden.

Now it is planting time. Forget the digging that is too difficult, just start planting. This way you get a variety of vegetables all growing on one place. You can plant more of the vegetables you really like. Now water the whole area and wait. Every weekend you could plant another meter or two and keep watering and adding seeds where they dont come up. After about 2 weeks to a month depending on the weather and how warm it is things should start to happen and there will be fresh homegrown vegetables on your kitchen table.

Why do People Drink Isotonic Drinks

Why do People Drink Isotonic Drinks

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Isotonic drinks are preferred by athletes and many people for several reasons. These reasons include replacement of water and sodium, increased energy, and even replenishment for dehydration. Athletes often feel they have a better performance when drinking this instead of water.

Isotonic drinks are preferred by athletes because they contain additional nutrients the body needs when working out. When a body gets a big workout from running or playing a sport, it loses sodium and carbohydrates that are needed for energy to maintain the endurance it needs for a top performance. An isotonic drink contains a small amount of sodium and carbohydrates to replenish the loss.

When you look at the term isotonic', it can be broken down to iso' and tonic'. Iso comes from Greek terminology meaning equal. Tonos refers to pressure. Putting the two words together creates the word isotonic. In isotonic drinks, there is the same concentration of sodium as can be found in blood plasma.

Sodium is lost in the body when you sweat. When you lose sodium, you also reduce the amount of water that you can excrete from the body also. The body absorbs sodium through the small intestine. Water is taken from the body when sodium is absorbed into the blood. When sodium is lost from the body through sweating, the amount of water that is excreted from the body is reduced.

Isotonic drinks also replenish dehydration. Dehydration is responsible for impairing someone's sporting performance drastically. When you drink more than just water but a drink that includes sodium and carbohydrates then you truly re-hydrate the body properly. These types of drinks are far more effective than just drinking water.

Performance can lack when you drink just water to rehydrate the body. This is because water doesn't contain what the body needs to be truly hydrated. The type of event a person is competing or taking part in doesn't matter. Some people think that isotonic drinks are for those in endurance events but this is not the case. Even an aerobic class or a 10 mile run can benefit from drinking replenishing drinks like these because they can help the body have the endurance it needs.

Many people think that they cannot afford isotonic drinks also. This should not be of any concern either. If you are working out every day and cannot afford to buy cases of these drinks to keep your body healthy and hydrated then you can make your own. All you have to do is add a pinch of salt to a bottle of water. The sodium is what you need.

Isotonic drinks are very good for the body and they can help anyone make it through an aerobics class or through a competitive sporting event. These drinks replenish the body with the needed sodium it needs so it can have the endurance to make it through an event. They provide replenishment to rehydrate and increase the body's energy too. The best thing any athlete can do is drink isotonic drinks and if you cannot afford them then make them yourself.

Learn more about Yoli and the Yoli Truth Energy Drink from MLM Review Kings Brian Garvin & Jeff West.

Why Children Should Color

Why Children Should Color

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At 1 time in everyone's life they have sat down with a box of crayons and some paper and began to color. Some folk may see this activity as something to have children perform to fill up time or as a fun activity. [**] coloring is advantageous to kids for many reasons. Here are some of the finest reasons you should have youngsters color.
winnie the pooh coloring sheets
Color Recognition

When a kid starts to color it is usually the 1st time they're experiencing color recognition. By coloring a child will learn the difference between the colours. When youngsters are exposed to coloring at a young age they often have less difficulty understanding the colors and the best way to mix colors to create other colors.

If a kid is found coloring disturbing scenes there might be an underlying issue that should be determined. Regardless of the child's inventive talent coloring is often a particularly relaxing activity that can help a kid de stress from a busy day.
Building Fine Motor abilities

Coloring isn't just a sort of self expression but an activity that can help kids build their fine motor skills. A kid may begin to color just for fun, but while doing so starts to develop the fine motor abilities they are going to need later in life. Coloring helps a child develop the muscles in their hands which can become important later in life for things like typing where the hand and arms need to work together. When learning to color kids learn how to grip and control the crayon. It is important for youngsters to discover how to properly grip a writing instrument. Coloring is often a child's first experience with how to properly grip a writing instrument.

Learning Focus and Boundaries
[**] by performing a coloring activity that has predetermined lines a child is studying about limits and how to focus to finish a picture. The task of having a kid finish a coloring sheet and to stay in the lines will help them later on while learning writing. Having the ability to color within the lines also increases a kid's attention span by showing them how to focus on the coloring project. Coloring in the lines is a milestone that many children are happy to accomplish. Being able to coloring in the limits of the coloring sheet is often something youngsters are very proud of. It gives them the sense that they can do whatever is put in front of them.

You may want to check out my other guide on winnie the pooh coloring sheets

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Why All Employees Pay the Federal Income Tax

Why All Employees Pay the Federal Income Tax

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Federal income tax is withheld from the pay of almost all employees. Employee pay is inclusive of salaries and wages, bonuses, commissions, and vacation allowances. It is the responsibility of the employer to provide the employee with a W-4 at the onset of their employment. The determination of tax withheld is computed from the information provided on the W-4. The employee must inform the employer of their withholding status (married or single), and the number of exemptions they will be claiming. Employees also have the option to have an additional amount withheld from their pay. If, over the course of an employee's employment, they wish to change or adjust their withholding rates, they may simply request to complete a new W-4. Publication 919 "Getting the Right Amount of Tax Withheld" is available from the IRS and can assist employers and employees in making the best choices for withholding correctly.
Factors that will affect the amount of federal income tax withheld from an employee's check include marital status, number of exemptions, or an employee has more than one job at a time. These factors will affect federal income tax computations, and should be included in information provided by the employee at the time of employment. Some employees, due to filing status, number of exemptions or allowances, and earned income totals below the national poverty level, will qualify for Advance EIC payments. These are advance payments of a refund of federal income tax. Advance EIC payments are made on the employee's paycheck each pay period, if requested.

. Contributions to qualified 401(k)'s or any other program that allows deductions of "pre-tax" contributions will affect the amount of federal income tax withholding for each pay period. Generally, contributions to a 401(k) or other retirement program are a benefit to the employee at the end of the tax year. These contributions provide a tax break and reduce the amount of federal income tax due, while providing retirement benefits to the employee.
Other factors affecting federal income tax liability are filing status, number of exemptions claimed on your personal tax return, individuals with more than one job, child tax credits, education credits itemized deductions, and nonwage income.
At the end of the tax year, employees are furnished a W-2. This is a summary of the wages paid and all deductions taken from the employees gross pay over the course of the past tax year. All employers are required by law to furnish employees with a W-2 no later than January 31st of the next tax year.

To summarize, federal income tax withheld from an employee's pay can be affected by changes to the employees wage base, filing status, or simply the acquiring of a second job. All employees should take the time to review their filing status based on the information provided on their W-4 and make changes to withholding status and exemptions claimed as needed.
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Which Content Promotion Strategy Can Help Your Recruitment Business

Which Content Promotion Strategy Can Help Your Recruitment Business

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Ask any recruiter or HR department and theyll tell you that they think the talent pool is shrinking.

There just doesnt seem to be a great number of employees with the right skills and tools to make a seamless transition into a new company.

But that doesnt mean theres nothing a recruitment company can do about it.

In fact, one simple way to connect with and recruit fresh talent is by using a content promotion strategy. Heres how it works.

A Great Promotion Strategy Works When Content Isnt Hidden Away

The resource page is a thing of the past. This information shouldnt just be hidden away in one corner of a recruitment companys website. Rather, it should be spread across the website to give potential talent a way to access vital information more easily.

The more information thats supplied to a talented employee, the easier it will be for them to come across as informed, educated, and ready to transfer their skills to the next company lucky enough to grab them.

Many recruitment companies spring up after the owners leave an industry to start their own business. Often, after leaving, they learn more about who works best in which environment. Its vital knowledge they can then pass on to the companies theyre filling spots for.

Utilize Social Media to Find Talent

If a recruitment company isnt taking full advantage of social media to locate potential employees, theyre theyre ignoring a huge pool of talent. Especially since joining and using social media is completely free.

Even when paid advertising through social media is used, its now possible to precisely target the exact type of person a company wants to hire. Its incredibly easy and its very cost effective.

Its also wise to add share buttons to blogs and websites to help spread the word organically. Also, learning how to utilize LinkedIn to find hidden talent is a must for any recruitment company.

Newsletters for Sharing Information

Newsletters are great. Not only is it a wonderful way to capture the names and email addresses of great talent, but its a fantastic opportunity to share valuable information.

A successful recruitment company should be utilizing a promotion strategy within the content of their newsletters. Not only should the newsletter inform, entertain, and engage the readers, it should prompt them to send in their resume by ending with a call to action.

RSS Feeds to Post Openings

The best recruitment opportunities are sometimes also the easiest. Like using RSS feeds to post openings.

Companies dont even have to post the open job vacancies manually. Instead, theyre pulled directly from an updated feed that comes from the recruitment companies website.

Ad Retargeting to Entice Talent to Come Back

Just because someone visits a website once and hasnt returned doesnt mean theyre lost forever. Theres now the possibility to use ad retargeting to re-engage with prospects.

Even better, recruitment companies find this method extremely effective because theyre only investing in qualified leads who have already expressed an interest. Its also possible to use this tool to drive potential leads to gated content, meaning its easy to track conversions and prove ROI.

Use Employees as Marketing Tools

Since employees send out up to 121 emails every single day, its a wise idea to use this practice as an effective promotion strategy.

Just have employees promote content within their email signature.

Inbound marketing strategies are constantly changing and improving. To get the latest news on inbound marketing, sign up for free today.

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Where to Borrow Cash Fast

Where to Borrow Cash Fast

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Where do you usually borrow money? It is no wonder that a lot of people prefer turning to their friends and relatives in times of financial emergencies. It is great if they can give you some required cash. But has it even come to you that by doing that you may ruin your good and trustworthy relationships with lets say the closest friends. Just keep in mind that it is better not to combine things like money and friends/family. Once something goes wrong it is going to be extremely difficult to rebuild relationships. Here is one tip: consider borrowing with payday loans.

Lets discuss the advantages of such a deal.

First of all, you will not be embarrassed. They genuinely would like to help you. Second off all, this service is the fastest way of borrowing money. You can do this either online or by going to the local cash advance store. Third of all, everything is hassle-free, meaning no paperwork is required, if you choose to submit an application online, you can skip waiting in a long queue. Fourth off all, there are a lot of payday lending companies that is why you have a chance to compare interest rates and regulations. And finally fifth off all, a potential customer only needs to meet a very few requirements. They are: be employed, be 18+, have the US citizenship (it is alright if you are a Permanent Resident). As for the credit history, most of payday lenders are very understanding and they may approve you for a loan despite the credit score being less than perfect. But be aware of one fact: the better your credit, the smaller the interest rate is going to be for you. So make sure to take a good care of your credit.

This online tool also has minuses. You will need to pay the interest rate, but dont we always overpay for fast services? Sure we do. Another thing that has to be kept in mind is that in case a client has a zero balance on a card he/she chose to pay back with, penalties are going to be extremely big. Advice: do not apply for payday loans online unless you are absolutely sure that you can pay back in full on a set date.

This is about it. Ask for referrals from your friends so that you could choose a reliable company to borrow with. Good luck with your personal finances and stay away from the debt!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Where Does Society's Wealth Come From

Where Does Society's Wealth Come From

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By Punkerslut

"All that man values is created by his industry..."
--J.C.L. Simonde de Sismondi, "Political Economy," 1815, Chapter 2

"...wealth never can come in but by the produce of labour going out..."
--James Steuart, "The Principles of Political Economy," 1767, Book 1, Chapter 14

"... the strongest and most industrious majority, which supports the whole society."
--Leo Tolstoy, "To the Tsar and His Assistants," 1901.

"Every thing in the world is purchased by labour..."
--David Hume, "Of Commerce," 1752.

"The great body of the people make all the money; do all the work. They plow the land, cut down the forests; they produce everything that is produced. Then who shall say what shall be done with what is produced except the producer?"
--Robert Green Ingersoll, "Centennial Oration," 1876

"...labour makes the far greatest part of the value of things we enjoy in this world; and the ground which produces the materials is scarce to be reckoned in as any, or at most, but a very small part of it; so little, that even amongst us, land that is left wholly to nature, that hath no improvement of pasturage, tillage, or planting, is called, as indeed it is, waste; and we shall find the benefit of it amount to little more than nothing."

-- John Locke, "Second Treatise on Government," 1690, Chapter 5

All wealth is the product of labor. But we are living in a world where the laborers do not own the wealth they create. Instead, we are living on a planet where the few, idle Capitalists own the majority of wealth.

We the workers are responsible for all wealth. But we are completely excluded from owning or managing this wealth. We aren't allowed to direct how the means of production are organized, or what they're organized for. We aren't allowed to receive the whole product of our labor, since a Capitalist exploits us to support their opulent luxury. From the hours we work to the products available on the market -- nobody consults the creators of wealth on how productive property should be organized and directed.

There are some who argue that workers alone aren't responsible for all wealth. They'll say that workers need machinery and land, provided by the Capitalist, to labor and create wealth. These people forget that the machinery was made by the workers -- and the land, itself, was made useful by the workers. These aren't things "added" by the Capitalist; they are things exploited out of their natural creators -- the working class. It is similar with innovation, where companies steal technologies created by their employees -- from the earliest machinery to Nikola Tesla's automobile engine.

Everything is society is created by the workers. Why, then, is it that the workers are the least benefitted from this wealth? It is because of the Capitalist system! If workers were to manage the businesses themselves, they could organize the industries for the benefit of all. Instead, we are living in society where businesses are managed by the few -- so, they only benefit the few.


When its Time to Repair Your Plate Heat Exchangers

When its Time to Repair Your Plate Heat Exchangers

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If youre already using plate heat exchanges, you probably already know how absolutely critical they are for your business.

But what happens when they break? Heres how you can know if its time to embark on the plate refurbishment process.

Weigh your options

If youre in the position where your plate heat exchanger has fully broken, then the first thing you need to do is establish whether or no its going to be better to replace or repair. Whether its an old furnace or a commercial refrigeration unit, this is a big decision and can have a major impact on your annual bottom line.

First, youll want to determine that its actually the plate heat exchanger thats not working. If its a furnace, have you eliminated all other possible problems?

For example, theres no point in undergoing the plate refurbishment process if its actually just an electrical problem or a clogged filter.

Second, you want to determine the costs associated. We have a free quote service so you can get a good idea of what youre getting into nice and early if you decide to refurbish and fix rather than buy new.

Finally, youll want to look at unit replacement just to compare. Contact your local dealer and browse any online commercial stores.

Its also worth looking at the used market to see if you can pick up a deal. If your unit is especially old, sometimes the best option is to buy an old unit and actually refurbish THOSE heat exchanging plates, giving you the most cost effective solution.

How old is your unit?

Whether youre looking at second-hand units or just trying to date yours to make the best decision, youll probably want to know how old it is. Some installation experts will write the installation date right on the unit, giving you the age.

However, if its not there, you can still figure it out. Just look around for any manufacturer information, serial numbers, or model numbers (these are often on the insides, so you may have to turn the unit off if you havent already).

After that, its just a matter of Googling the manufacturing number and seeing what comes back. If that doesnt work, you can always call your manufacturers helpline.

What can a refurbishment do?

The benefits of a new unit are easy to understand you get (depending on what were talking about) between 10-20 years of use.

But what are the benefits of taking on the plate refurbishment process?

The biggest benefit of plate refurbishment instead of replacement is that its a cost-effective way to expand the life of your heat exchanger plate. By simply cleaning it through our exhaustive process, we can restore a shocking amount of life and viability into the tool.

Second, it means that you can put off a major new purchase. It also means that your initial investment into a quality heat unit is going to continue to reap dividends. Assuming the plates arent cracked (we check), after cleaning and new gaskets your unit might last anywhere from another 10-20 years.

Wrapping up

Knowing whether its time to clean and maintain your heat exchanger plates isnt easy. But if you carefully evaluate your unit, its age, and your own financial circumstances, you cant go wrong.

Got questions about the plate refurbishment process? Weve got answers. Check out our FAQ for everything you need to know about heat exchangers.

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When Is The Best Time TO Take Your Company Public

When Is The Best Time TO Take Your Company Public

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CEOs often call and ask me what the revenues and net profit should be before going public, they seem to think that there is a magic number that qualifies a private company into becoming a public company.

There is no set amount of revenues or net profit that is required to take your company public, then when is the absolute best time to go public?

The short answer would be when you dont need to, or your company is not desperately looking for financing in order to survive.

Instead you are looking for capital in order to finance growth and expansion, or you would like to use the public shares as currency to make acquisitions.

But life isnt always perfect, so we will take a look at a few questions asked by CEOs that have called me looking to go public.

What should revenues and net profit be before going public? A company could conceivably have 5 consecutive year of profitability and be a bad candidate for going public.

I recently had a CEO called me from such a company, the revenues and net profit were identical for the previous five years but robust compare to many of the companies you see going public in the NASDAQ BB and Pink Sheets today.

But I didnt see any growth in either revenues or net profit nor any indication that there was going to be some in the future, the CEO did not know where future growth would come from.

I told him that if he was just going public so that he could tell friends that he was the CEO of public company then he shouldnt go public.

But if he could develop a strategy for growth and put together a business plan outlining how he was going to grow revenues and net income, he could become an outstanding candidate for going public.

The opposite of that would be a company that has been losing money for 5 years but is exhibiting growth in revenues every year and the losses are smaller.

This company has a business plan and targets for business expansion and every year is meeting those targets, and going public are part of the business strategy. So you tell me which company has the greater potential of being a successful public company?

Investors are always looking for growth candidates to put their money in to. So they will go with the company that has the potential to make them the most money in the future.

Another situation that I often come across is CEOs who want to go public and dont have any money for the audit or the legal fees.

There are certain expenses associated with going public that need to be paid. These CEOs often want to do a reverse merger because its the fastest way to go public, but Public Shells are expensive and could be the costliest avenue use to go public.

When a private company purchases a Public Shell, the purchaser must perform a thorough due diligence of the Public Shell to make sure that it is clean and not bringing any past legal problem to the private company.

The due diligence process often get neglected because the private company is not familiar with the ins and outs of the public arena.

So they often take the advised given by the shell owner and submit to his demands. When companies rush to go public they often live to regret it, short cuts can be very expensive. I always give CEOs who call me the alternative to reverse merger, such as Direct public offering, Regulation D or IPO but if their minds are already made up or they may have already purchased the Shell without doing proper due diligence.

I will do all I can to try and make it work but the CEO must be warn of the perils ahead and how to prepare for them. For example if he does have a lot of shareholders and a lot of shares outstanding he must reverse split the shares to reduce the number of shares available for sale including those own by the Shell owner.

The Shell owner will often require the private company to sign an agreement not to reverse the share prior to the sale, if they agree to this demand they will be making a big mistake.

Also if the company hires an investors relation firm to do PR work and pays them in stock they will see a temporary interest in the companys shares while the IR is dumping their share.

An IR firm must be carefully and thoroughly check out by asking for names of previous and present client, just pull up chart of their clients stock and see if you detect a sudden rise in the share price and a quick drop once they began dumping their shares.

There isnt such a thing as a perfect time to go public and if you start preparing early you will be ahead of the curve, start by having your financials audited. This is something that will have to be done and so if you do as you go along you wont have the big expense all at once.

Have a business plan prepared and that is a mirror of your vision and strategy, you will not stick to a business plan that does not reflect your ideal and your vision of what is going to work.

Make sure the business plan is sound and also flexible, it must allowed for a change in direction when one is warranted. A business plan is like a road map, it has a starting point and a destination, and you mapped out the way you want to go but sometimes you must take and different route to get there.

Make sure you have capable competent people in the right positions a small company is not the place for specialist, you must have people who can multi task or you will be force to hire more employees than necessary.

Remember nobody know your business like you do but there are certain business principles that that must be adhere to, as well as ethical conduct that must be applied.

If you just follow the golden rule Do unto others and you would have them to unto you you will have done your part. Because you always reap what you sow

You must be wise in selecting the people you deal with. There are a lot of unscrupulous characters in the shell and consulting business who will sell you on going public even if you are not ready.

They will also sell you a Corporate Shell and anything else they can, and before you know you will be calling a legitimate consultant to help you but it may be too late.

I recently had a phone call from a CEO who had a nice small company but his need capital to finance the growth in the business, the company was growing every quarter but was trading for pennies because it had over 150,000,000 shares outstanding.

I suggested that he needed to do a reverse split before I could go to my financing people, because nobody will put money into a company that is so diluted. He replied that he couldnt reverse the shares due to an agreement with the shell owner.

When you buy a shell make sure you are buying the entire flow and that the shares in the hands of the public are not substantial.

Otherwise choose an alternative way of going public. Reverse Merger is not the only way to go public.

Reverse Merger may be the least desirable option for some people, So before taking any action look into the other options available. If the consultant you hire only know Reverse Merger maybe its time to look for somebody else. There isnt a perfect time to take your company public, it must be part of your overall business strategy and vision, and it requires a desire to make work.

Friday, March 9, 2018

When Do You Pay Taxes on a Roth IRA

When Do You Pay Taxes on a Roth IRA

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When you are choosing which type of IRA to open, there are many things to consider. One of the factors is how the taxes are handled. To answer the question of when to pay taxes on a Roth IRA, you must understand the difference between a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA. With a traditional IRA account, all of your contributions are made before taxes. This means that the amount is deducted from your pay before any taxes are taken out. The result is that when you later begin to withdraw from the account after retirement, you will have to pay those taxes.

With a Roth IRA, the taxes are taken before any contributions to the account are made; you may not have even noticed because your employer likely already deducted the taxes before giving you an employment check. In essence, you make the contribution from your net pay, after all taxes have been taken out. This can be a very important point when choosing a type of IRA. While it may seem like you are losing out, after-tax contributions are beneficial. The great thing about this is that when you retire and begin to withdraw from your Roth IRA, all of the money is accessible without paying any taxes. This is because you have already paid the tax before making the contribution. So to answer the question of when to pay taxes on a Roth IRA, the answer is before you make the contribution to the account.

When to Pay Taxes on a Roth IRA: Benefits of After-Tax Contributions

When you make a contribution to your Roth IRA, you pay your taxes up front. This means that for the life of the Roth IRA account, there will be no more taxes to deal with including capital gains taxes, incomes taxes, or death taxes. This is one of the many benefits of this type of account. It allows you to contribute money after taxes and let it grow tax-free, eventually allowing you to withdraw your money tax-free. A Roth IRA is one of the best financial tools to utilize when planning for retirement because the account will provide tax-free income later in life.

Other Considerations of Your Roth IRA Taxes

Since your contributions to your Roth IRA are after taxes, the amount is not considered a deductible on your annual taxes. However, upon withdrawal, no taxes will be owed. This means that all of your contributions, plus all earnings, will be available for use completely tax-free. In essence, this provides a way to avoid paying taxes on any gains in the account. While this type of IRA retirement account may not be the best option for everyone, it does have some great benefits. Aside from the taxes, there are different IRA rules with a Roth IRA. One is that there is no age limit. This means that as long as you are earning money, you can continue to contribute to your account after taxes. This is not allowed with traditional IRA accounts, where you have to stop making contributions at a certain age. Also, with a Roth IRA, you are not required to take mandatory distributions. You can let the account continue to grow tax-free for as long as you want. The longer the account is contributed to, the more money you will save.

A tax-free source of income is the main attraction with a Roth IRA. Many people do not understand the many differences between various types of IRA accounts. The answer to when to pay taxes on a Roth IRA is simple. You pay the tax before you make the contribution.

Whats the Best Dog Movie of All Time

Whats the Best Dog Movie of All Time

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For whatever reason, movies that feature relationships between dogs and people have the ability to make us even more emotional than movies about people alone. We laugh harder, cry harder or feel the strong tug of nostalgia thinking about how much we love our own pets.

Even if you arent a dog owner yourself, you can probably think of your favorite dog movie. From comedies to dramas to silent films, there have been so many memorable roles for dogs on the big screen.

Below, were counting down the best dog movie moments of all time. Read on for our top eight rankings, and get inspired for your next movie night.

8. Beethoven

Number 8 on the best dog movie list is Beethoven. As slobbery as he was lovable, Beethoven the St. Bernard won all of our hearts in this classic early nineties film.

Centered around the Newton family, the movie showed the ups and downs of adopting a puppy. Beethoven may have started out small and cute, but it wasnt long before he was a full grown St. Bernard with the strength and the slobber to match. And though most of the family loved him from the beginning, it took the Newton family patriarch, a while to come around.

The original film was such a hit that seven sequels followed, though the original cast including the dog who played Beethoven were only all together for the first and second films.

7. Benji

Coming in at number 7 on the best movie list is Benji. What made the movie so popular at the time of its release was the way the story was told through the dogs eyes. A local mutt who has endeared himself to the residents of his small Texas town, Benji becomes nothing short of a hero when his favorite children go missing.

The dog who played Benji was a mixed-breed found in a California animal shelter and went on to become one of the most famous dog actors of the time. The pup went on to have a 14-year career in show business.

6. Air Bud

On the surface, this movie was about a dog named Buddy who possesses the uncanny ability to play basketball. In truth, it was about how much dogs can enrich our lives.

Josh, the movies central figure, is a lonely boy who moves to a small town in the aftermath of his dads death . Hes too shy to make friends and doesnt have the confidence to try out for the schools basketball team. When he meets Buddy and realizes what Buddy can do, all of that changes.

Air Bud was such a success, partially because America was fascinated by the true story that inspired it . Writer Kevin di Cicco adopted a stray dog, named him Buddy, and trained him to play basketball, as well as chess, football and a variety of other sports.

5. The Fox and The Hound

It was hard to pick just one animated movie for the best dog movie list, but ultimately The Fox and The Hound won out. Like most Disney movies, this animated film is both lighthearted and fun, while still delivering an important message.

The movie tells the story of a fox and a hound who become best friends as young animals. As they grow up, they are forced to face their true natures and their friendship is put to the test.

Surprisingly sad, it tackles a real issue of prejudice while also reminding us all of the power of friendship. Its featured song, Best of Friends is a favorite from the Disney musical canon.

4. The Artist

The Artist has the unique distinction of not only being number 4 on our best dog movie list but also being a winner of a Best Picture Academy Award.

The movies human star, Jean Dujardin, earned a lot of recognition for his role. But it was Uggie, the Jack Russell Terrier featured in the movie, who arguably became the most famous following the films release.

Uggie became a fixture on many red carpets, and his memoir Uggie, My Story was published in the US, UK and France.

Uggie worked with professional trainers to prepare for his film roles. And while working with one, like Ty The Dog Guy, may not make your pup world famous, it will definitely improve his behavior and skills.

3. Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

Though this 1993 film is technically a remake of a 1963 movie, we still consider it to be a classic.

What makes this one of the best dog movies of all time is that the animals in it arent playing a side part to human main characters. The animals are the main characters, with the plot line to match.

The movie follows the adventures of two dogs Chance, an American Bulldog, and Shadow, a Golden Retriever and a cat named Sassy as they set out on a journey to reunite with their human family.

Voiced by human actors, the animals have complex personalities and complicated relationships. They have to work together to solve problems and survive in the wild. The film showed the most human side of animals, making Chance, Shadow and Sassy as relatable as any human character.

2. Best in Show

This mockumentary style film showed human dog owners and their best, their worst, and their funniest.

The movie follows several different storylines, all centered around characters preparing their pets for a prestigious dog show. Each dog owner the audience is introduced to is quirkier and funnier than the last.

Though the movie pokes fun at how far were willing to go for our dogs, it does so in an ultimately loving, and always hilarious way. Its Christopher Guest doing what he does best, and it keeps you laughing from start to finish.

1. Lassie Come Home

Since its release in 1994, Lassie Come Home has remained the ultimate dog movie classic. Its a movie you watch when you need to be comforted, or reassured that theres good in the world.

Its impact is lasting, as it has spawned remakes, TV shows and been referenced throughout pop culture.

Its a classic for a reason and, in our opinion, the best dog movie of all time.

What Do You Think is the Best Dog Movie of All Time?

We could spend all day debating the merits of one dog movie over another, and our list will not be reflective of everyones opinion. But maybe it will lead you to discover a new favorite or inspire you to re-watch a movie you love.

Would you put together a different list? Let us know in the comments or contact us with any questions or thoughts you want to share.

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Whatever Happen To Johnny Mathis the Singer

Whatever Happen To Johnny Mathis the Singer

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Born within Texas but raised in San Francisco, Johnny Mathis was the fourth of seven children born to Mildred and Clement Mathis. A previous vaudeville performer, Clement found Johnny to be for the most part musically receptive ofall his offsprings and qualified his son songs and routines that would subsequently be performed for visiting guests. At the age of 13, he was brought by his father to Connie Cox, a skilled vocal coach who agreed to take the boy having the status of a student in swap for doing various household chores; for the next six years Johnny continued this pact, learning vocal scales and operatic skill.

For the duration of his high school years, Mathis established himself as accomplished athlete the same as he was a singer, excelling on the school track team in the high jump and hurdling categories. His athletic career extended into his enrollment at SF State, everyplace his towering jump measurements approached that of the established Olympic greatest. His musical ambitions were not abandoned, however, and following a jam session at the Black Hawk nightclub, the club's greatly impressed co-owner Helen Noga assumed management duties intended for the young singer, eventually luring him to the person in charge of Columbia Records'A&R who was in the audience. Ironically, the temptation to travel to New York for his essential recording sessions arrived at the same moment as an offer to try out for 1956 Olympic team -- a choice which, taking into account a quantity of dialogues with his father, was settled in favor of the sessions.

His jazz-inclined first appearance album, Johnny Mathis: A just starting out Sound In Popular Song, was released later on in the year, receiving simply a mild reception. Undaunted, Mathis kept on in New York, extending his popularity through handiwork in nightclubs such as the Blue Angel and the Village Vanguard ahead of recording a next album under the direction of producer Mitch Miller. Miller shifted the musical stress away from jazz principles in preference of romantic ballads, consequential in two of Mathis' mainly enduring songs, Wonderful, Wonderful and It's Not For Me To Say -- the latter which he may perhaps be seen singing in his 1957 feature film first appearance Lizzie. The singer's first #1 song arrived soon subsequently in the form of Chances Are. A beginning on The Ed Sullivan Show in June of 1957 cemented his reputation, and up through the initial 1960s he continued such as one of the largely of all the rage performers in the nation.

In 1958 Mathis moved his foundation of operations to Los Angeles, where he has continued to reside ever since. A "Greatest Hits" collection (the first time a record had been titled as such) was released by Columbia that same year, subsequently setting a recent industry record by lingering on the charts continuously for 490 weeks. Although his presence in the better regions of the pop charts fell away over the subsequently decade (his work catering more to the "adult contemporary" crowd), Mathis continued to be present as a popular live performer, appearing at a total of head of state hosted proceedings in addition to the usual concert venues. However, an unexpected return to the #1 status arrived in 1978 with Too Much, Too Little, Too Late, a duet with R&B singer Deniece Williams. A run of duets with other performers was to be a devotee of, amongst whom are included Dionne Warwick, Natalie Cole, and Gladys Knight.

Mathis remains in force to this day, having released 2 new-found albums in the the first part of 00s and continuing to do on a regular basis. Since 1999 he has hosted a charity golf event in Belfast in company with Shell corporation, and the annual "Johnny Mathis Invitational Track & Field Meet" has continued to be held at SF State since 1982. Also in 1982 he made unrestricted his homosexuality, which had negligible bearing upon his popularity.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

What You Need to Know About Crate Training

What You Need to Know About Crate Training

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In love with your new puppy and want to make sure you instill good habits right away?

Crate training is your answer.

We all know that puppies get curious in their new home. Their excitement often ends in soiled carpets and frayed sandals. Crate training serves as an effective and humane method to train your puppy early on.

Of course, your puppy will take some time to learn new, good habits. Practice crate training with patience. You and your puppy will reap the rewards.

The Benefit of Crate Training Your Puppy

Many people choose not to crate train their puppy because they believe it is cruel. When done the right way, crate training your puppy makes them feel safe and secure.


Dogs in the wild live in small spaces called dens. These act as shelters where dogs can rest, recover, or care for their young. Your dog feels a natural instinct to den.

A crate acts as a dogs den. Think of it as your pets personal bedroom in your family home.

Crate training also proves effective for house training your puppy. Youll hover over them less and can feel confident they wont soil their bed.

Another added benefit of crate training is that it reduces your puppys anxiety! If your new puppy is alone, they can feel overwhelmed in their new home or experience separation anxiety. Custom dog crates give your puppy a small, safe, and secure domain while youre away.

Choosing the Right Crate for Your Puppy

The right crate for your puppy allows him or her to lie down, stand up, and turn around in a circle.

Choose a crate with lots of ventilation for maximum comfort.

Of course, your puppies crate will need to grow with them. A great option is to purchase a crate big enough to fit your dog as an adult and use a divider to fit its size as it grows.

Tips for Crate Training Your Puppy

You want your puppy to associate their crate with good feelings only!

Make your puppys new bedroom cozy. Line the bottom with blankets. Add in a few of their favorite toys.

To mimic a den, you can drape a lightweight blanket over top.

Bring your puppy to their crate for naps and relaxation. Start in short time spurts. 10 minutes is a great time for a new puppy as he works up to longer times.

An hour of aerobic exercise should precede and follow your puppys time in the crate. Your puppy will associate the outdoors with elimination through this process. Always praise your puppy for going outside!

As you can see, crate training is a great practice that benefits both you and your puppy.

Keep in mind that you should never leave your puppy in their crate all day. Also, never use a crate as punishment.

These practices make crate training inhumane. They result in negative feelings for your new puppy and yourself.

Above all, remember to stay patient.

With these tips, your puppy will feel at home in their crate in no time!

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What To Do With Your Life Insurance Dividends

What To Do With Your Life Insurance Dividends

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Life insurance dividends are paid out by mutual life insurance companies. The dividends represent a return of premium payments that you've been overcharged. Overcharged? Yes, life insurance companies overcharge you, then return the difference later at the end of the year - but you're not being ripped off. In fact, that excess amount is used to ensure the long-term viability of your policy.

You see, at some point, your dividends will exceed the premium payments you make - that's the result of the insurer investing most of your premium dollars. While dividends are not guaranteed, you should know what to do with them when you do get them since most mutual insurers have a consistent track record of paying them out every year.

Take as Cash

One option you have is to take your dividend as cash. This option treats the life insurance policy like an investment - you take the dividend as it's paid out. It doesn't help the cash value growth much, but the dividend tends to grow each year. Admittedly, this isn't the most attractive option since dividends are taxable once you've recouped your cost basis (the sum total of your premium payments).

Buy More Insurance

The most popular option - the default option with most companies - is to buy additional paid up insurance. Why is this popular? Because additional paid up life insurance grows the death benefit, grows the cash value, grows the dividends exponentially, and defers tax on all of this growth as long as the policy remains in force. It's also an excellent option if you want to supplement your future retirement income since the policy's dividends, and the rest of the base cash value, may be accessed income tax-free as long as the policy remains in force (check with your tax adviser to make sure that your situation would not prevent tax-free access to cash values).

It's also an ideal option if you just want to ensure a growing death benefit. While dividends are not guaranteed, most insurers have an excellent track record, so there's a reasonable expectation of growing the benefit amount over the long-term.

Reduce The Premium

If you don't want to be stuck paying a premium for the rest of your life, consider using the dividend to reduce the premium. Be careful of this option though. Back in the 1980s, something called "vanishing premiums" hit the market. This was a concept sold by many life insurance agents.

Basically, agents back then told customers that they could make a few years worth of premium payments, and their premiums would be covered by the dividends generated by the policy. In essence, the premiums would "vanish." Well, as interest rates fell, customers realized that dividend rates were not guaranteed. Premiums never "vanish" unless you buy a limited pay policy - which means you must make all premium payments outlined in the policy.

If your dividend isn't enough to cover the premium, you may have to resume payments later on in your life. If you're fine with that, this is a decent option to lessen the burden of payments.

Invest Them

You can let the premiums sit in the insurer's general investment account and accumulate interest at a fixed rate. You may also be able to invest them in the insurer's separate account for a non-guaranteed return based on the performance of mutual funds. In both instances, you will pay income tax on the investment gain.

Pay Off Previous Loans

Sometimes, you need to borrow money against the value of your policy's surrender value (the cash value). If you don't want to repay the loan, or can't make repayments, you can use the dividends to repay the loan. This way, the interest doesn't accumulate and put your policy in danger of lapsing.

What to Consider When Choosing an eLearning Template

What to Consider When Choosing an eLearning Template

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As technology and automation only continue to grow and improve, so does online learning. More and more colleges and universities are offering online courses. In fact, eLearning is anticipated to be a $37.6 billion market by 2020.

If you want to create an engaging eLearning course, one of the most important components, apart from the content itself, of course, should be the eLearning template you use.

Below, well discuss a few specific things to bear in mind when choosing the best eLearning template for your course.

Let the Course Objectives Be Your Guide

What are the objectives and desired outcomes of your course? These should dictate the overall style of your theme including fonts, color schemes, and any imagery used throughout the course. An ugly or uninteresting eLearning template wont project a professional image.

Audience is Key

Ask: Who is your primary audience? Who was the course designed for? The template should reflect their specific needs. For example, if the course was designed for medical students, the template should be unique to them.

Brand Your eLearning Template!

Another important consideration when choosing your template is branding and customizability. Your eLearning course or program should be branded in such a way that it stands out and differentiates you from competitors. The templates and media offered through Torch Learning Management System could be a good place to start.

Additionally, the branding should also be in line with any guidelines you may have. Is there a specific set of previously approved colors you will be expected to use? Perhaps a specific font is preferred? Be sure to find this information out and adhere to all guidelines when customizing your template.

The Importance of Navigation

Having the ability to easily navigate an online course should be of utmost importance to creators. If its not user-friendly, it wont be used! Ensure that students can easily navigate to the courses landing page and access all of the necessary content.

Devices Matter

It should go without saying that participants in your course should be able to view and navigate throughout all of the pages on any of their devices. This includes iPads/tablets, smartphones, laptops, and desktop computers. One of the major advantages of eLearning is the ability to access content from anywhere, at any time.

If your course is not designed with this in mind, you run the risk of not only alienating (and potentially even irritating) current participants you could lose out on future business as well.

Marketing Matters Too!

As with every business, marketing is crucial to the success of your eLearning course or program. Frankly, if no one knows that it exists, whats the point? In order to be able to provide knowledge as you have set out to, the general public must first know that your eLearning course exists and is available!

If you need assistance marketing your business online, head over to our blog for some useful tips!

We know that with these helpful considerations and tips, youll find the perfect eLearning template for your course or program. Happy hunting!

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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

What Rushing Your Design Project Really Means

What Rushing Your Design Project Really Means

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If you don't plan to allow enough time for your project to be designed, printed and delivered, then you may still be able to have your project completed in time, but the design will have to be rushed.

This means that your designer will put aside other client's work and work late nights, even weekends, to get your project out - but at a price. And the price takes several forms other than just financial.

The cost of rushing your project includes:

- Skipping important parts of the design process: With less time there's often not enough time allowed for a designer to spend much time at all on a creative approach or concept for your project. There also may not be enough time for your designer to present a lot of concepts to you or to go through a lot of revisions. You'll also be rushed through the approval cycle - which means it's more likely that you might miss your deadline.

- Quality may suffer: With less time and more stress the finished product often won't be of as high a quality as it could be. In design this could mean poorly prepared files, the details of the design aren't always attended to, or that a website is coded poorly. None of this will greatly harm the effectiveness of a finished piece, but it's always nicer to have a beautiful, perfect finished piece than have one that's almost all the way there.

- Financial costs: Just like any other profession a designer will charge extra for the late nights and other sacrifices that a rush project requires. It's an industry standard to charge one and a half times the normal cost of a project to rush it.

- Not being able to ask your audience: I highly recommend that you run your desgns-in-progress past your best clients and your target audience. Doing this sort of mini focus-group will enable your clients to give you invaluable feedback on your designs, your text, and their impact on your potential clients. If your project is rushed, then there's often no time to run the design options by your clients to get their input - and you'll lose out on a valuable resource.

Lack of planning can cost you a lot extra. So I suggest allowing plenty of time to design well thought-out materials, at a leisurely pace. This will cost you less and will often produce a more effective design.

What ROI Will Your SEO Company Get for You

What ROI Will Your SEO Company Get for You

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Where do you begin to measure your business? Simple

The Return on Investment (ROI) for business is a collection of metrics used to determine whether the time/money is worth investing for a worthwhile return.

For example one could calculate the ROI for many activities, including:

Time invested in a customer sales call compared to the sale
Number of visitors to a website based on link building efforts
Sales generated with each advertising push

But what if you want to apply this idea of ROI to an SEO company?

A few things to consider before digging in:

Where is the location of your SEO company?
What are the provided services?
How do they track and report their work to you (the customer)?

Lets expand further on this idea of using ROI to determine the value of the SEO company.

The Hopeful Ups and Possible Downs of an SEO Campaign

No SEO campaign is perfect.

The amount of time and resources you invest into SEO services will affect the data youll be able to collect on the campaigns.

Its not wise to judge the success of a campaign with a single page reaching the top of search results for its keywords nor do you want to make brash judgments based on a small flux of site visitors.

You have to stay hopeful to the ups yet expect the possible downs especially since Google tends to stay quiet about their algorithm updates and changes.

With that said, here are a few factors that go toward ROI which you should question when working with an SEO company:

Goals in mind prior to launch to create a baseline
Conversions tracked to see true, monetary reward
Advertising and marketing channels listed
Current (and ongoing) search placement for each keyword/page
Reputation & social reach taken into account
Industry and marketplace trends

The reports received will be accurate once you are able to hand over this information to the SEO company. The company will have the baseline metrics to report changes and progression.

Every company is different, but

What to Expect from an SEO Company

Whether youre hiring your SEO from someone local or going halfway around the world to find SEO companies in Dubai what matters is a combination of:

A. Experience

B. Customer service

C. Reporting

The experience of the company will show when you are able to ask and receive case studies of their previous clients. Its important to ask not the results they are able to deliver but whether they can show noticeable change from their efforts.

The customer service is vital for when youre ready to grow; it keeps you informed to make clear judgments on investing additional resources. You will want a rapport with an SEO company to keep up-to-date but do realize that SEO takes some time to show its ROI (be patient).

The reporting is what matters most because if you dont know how things are going then youre throwing money to the wind. The reports should show where your campaign stands compared to the prior months. The company will be able to provide this data they dont? Leave them.

As long as you can audit your website and start strong you should have no issue with maximizing the work put in by the professionals at an SEO company.

What has been your experience with those offering these search engine services?

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What Is Madonna's Fitness Routine

What Is Madonna's Fitness Routine

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In the music industry today, Madonna has emerged to be one of the most sought after music icons. Her career started to rise in the early 1980s. From that time up to this moment, it's as if that time has frozen for Madonna blessing her with unchanging fame, charm, and of course, her gorgeous body. From the looks of her, one might think that Madonna didn't age at all. However, the singer's ultra fit and gorgeous body is basically contributed by her healthy diet and some exercise routines.

Almost everyone is at awe when it comes to Madonna's healthy fit physique and marvelous flow of energy. The first main factor that has greatly influenced the singer's overall physique is her short term diet which is guaranteed to shave off 3 to 5 pounds of a person's weight each week for 6 consecutive months.

Madonna's diet program usually encourages her to take only a cup of whole grain cereals added with a cup of plain nonfat rice milk for her breakfast. The singer's lunch on the other hand is settled with 3 oz of grilled chicken breast and a cup of chopped tomato and cucumber. A cup of mixed berries is Madonna's favorite for snacks. And then to effectively end the day, the singer's dinner is composed of a cup of organic pasta and a cup of steamed spinach.

Tracy Anderson, which is Madonna's trainer, said that Madonna's diet is the perfect program for her. The diet simply does not allow the person involved with it to eat processed foods, almost all types of spices, and dairy. Included in the program is the required daily intake of water of 1.5 to 3 liters.

Madonna's exercise routines however are done with constant changing and are often paired with dancing as well as cardio training exercises. Some good examples of cardio training that Madonna usually does are the treadmill sprints, jumping rope, and running on a trampoline. To give more intensity to her daily exercise routines, Madonna squeezes in some crunches and weight lifting. According to Madonna's trainer, constantly shifting the routines is the key to avoiding bulk ups on any muscle groups.

With a gym at her own home, Madonna gets the advantage of being able to make some exercise routines at any time of the day. Moreover, she only checks in hotels that are known to have magnificent gyms. Aside from the ones mentioned above, Madonna is also known to practice Ashtanga Yoga which is one of the most complicated forms of yoga. But it is mainly through her self-discipline that Madonna is able to withstand great workout intensities in her routine. Without this form of value, Madonna just wouldn't be able to perform and maintain all those routines and comply with her strict diet.

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